- This was originally to thwart US missile defence aspirations but has taken on new meaning with the US counterspace initiatives. 这个草案最初是反对美国对导弹防御的渴望,但现在却针对美国的主动太空反击战略有了新的意义。
- Japan and the United States have agreed to jointly develop the Theatre Missile Defence(THD)system. 日美两国同意共同研究战区导弹防御系统(TMD)。
- The Czech government withdrew treaties on American missile defence from parliament, fearing a possible defeat. 由于担心失败,捷克政府从议会取消了关于美国导弹防御合约。
- The plan by the United States to develop a National Missile Defence system seeks unilateral military superiority and security advantages. 美国国家导弹防御系统的实质是谋求单方面的军事和安全优势。
- But the general also explicitly linked Russia's stance to the US's plans to extend its missile defence into central Europe. 但巴卢耶夫斯基也明确表示,俄罗斯的立场与美国在中欧地区部署导弹防御系统的计划有关。
- Of the desiderata on the American list, the most expendable were anti-ballistic missile defence and support for Kosovo independence. 在美国迫切需要得到的东西中,最可以牺牲的就是反弹道导弹防御体系和对科索沃独立的支持。
- Russia and China have condemned a US plan for a global missile defence shield, saying it will set back international disarmament efforts. 俄罗斯和中国都谴责美国计划建立一个全球导弹防御盾牌,说,当局将设定回到国际裁军努力。
- US-Russian ties had become overcharged in recent years due to discord over such issues as missile defence and last summer's war in Georgia. 由于在导弹防御和去年夏天的格鲁吉亚战争问题上的分歧,近年来美俄关系一直处于“超负荷”状态。
- Russia threatened yesterday to pull out of a landmark nuclear arms control treaty unless the US backed away from plans to install its missile defence shield in Eastern Europe. 俄罗斯昨日威胁称,如果美国不放弃在东欧地区部署导弹防御系统的计划,俄罗斯将退出具有划时代意义的核武器控制条约。
- The German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, has told US President Bill Clinton that he is worried about US plans for a new anti- ballistic missile defence system. 德国总理施罗德向美国总统比尔-克林顿表达了自己对美国所提出的新的反弹道导弹防御系统的担忧。
- Japan's Defence Minister Yasukazu Hamada issued the orders to mobilise Japan's missile defence shield after a meeting with Prime Minister Taro Aso and cabinet ministers. 日本防卫大臣滨田靖一与日本首相麻生太郎以及内阁大臣举行会议后,即命令启动导弹防御系统。
- A year after China's ASAT shot, the defence budget passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress did not provide any money for a missile defence “space test-bed”. 中国反卫星试验一年后,民主党控制下的国会所通过的国防预算没有为导弹防御系统“太空试验台”提供一分钱。
- But top of the President's agenda was to convince the Prime Minister to support his missile defence plan, which envisaged a North America protected by a missile shield. 但布什来访主要是为了说服马丁总理,要他支持美国的导弹防御计划。这一计划将全北美洲置于导弹的防卫之下。
- The Putin speech heralded a year in which Russia has been increasingly assertive on everything from missile defence to Kosovo to arms control and energy policy. 普京的演讲预示了这样的一年:从科索沃导弹防御到军备控制及能源政策,俄罗斯在一切问题上都越来越自信。
- Two other ships, the USS Decatur and the USS Russell, were close by, and part of the task force, run by the Army Space and Missile Defence Command in Colorado Springs. 美国海军的另两艘战舰,"迪凯特"号和"罗素"号也在附近待命。同时待命的还有位于科罗拉多州斯普林的"陆军空间与导弹防御指挥部"的特遣队。
- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has welcomed as "positive" the US decision to shelve controversial missile defence bases in Poland and the Czech Republic. 俄国总统梅德韦杰夫对美国决定搁置在波兰和捷克军事基地具有争议的导弹防御计划表示了“肯定”。
- It was first test-fired in 2007, with first deputy prime minister Sergei Ivanov boasting it was "capable of overcoming any existing or future missile defence systems". 该型号最早于2007年试验,俄国第一副总理谢尔盖.;伊万诺夫宣称它能“突破现有的和未来的任何导弹防御系统”。
- The early deployment of ballistic missile defence system(BMDS)for the United States consists of three parts,one of which is sea-based midcourse ballistic missile defencc system(SMDS). 美国初期部署的弹道导弹防御系统(BMDS)将由3部分构成,其中之一是海基中段防御系统(SMDS)。
- The Serbs have been backed by a resurgent Moscow, which has linked the issue of Kosovo to issues as diverse as America's plans for a Europe-based missile defence shield and the future of other areas seeking to secede. 赛尔维亚人已经倒向了正在复苏的莫斯科,而科索沃问题的结局将取决于美国的计划,它打算在欧洲建立导弹防御体系的基地,另外还希望在将来谋求更多地区的独立。
- America has installed an early-warning radar in northern Honshu, Japan's main island, and is putting an advanced Patriot on its Kadena base in southern Okinawa, to serve until Japan's own missile defence is robust. 美国则在日本最大的岛屿、州岛北部安装了一座早期预警雷达,并正在冲绳南部的嘉手纳基地部署一套先进的“爱国者”系统,以便在日本自己的导弹防御系统建成前提供防御。