- Coupling factors of BTT missile control system is gualitatively analyzed. 对 BTT 导弹控制系统的耦合因素作了定性分析。
- Bank-To-Turn (BTT) and Skid-To-Turn (STT) control techniques are widely used in current missile control systems. 现代导弹控制技术一般可分为侧滑转弯(Skid-to-Turn,STT)控制技术和倾斜转弯(Bank-to-Tum,BTT)控制技术。
- An example is given to show how the SLAM is applied to the error analysis of a tactical missile control system. 研究了统计线性化伴随方法在小型战术导弹控制系统误差分析中的具体运用方法。
- The parameters are optimized with respect to the tracking performances of missile control system and the criterions of side thruster control based on evolutionary strategies. 根据控制系统跟踪性能要求和直接力控制原则,采用进化策略对常规气动力控制器参数和模糊直接力控制规则进行优化设计。
- This filed of research, which is sometimes called “pattern recognition”, has focused largely on military applications such as photo reconnaissance and missile control and navigation. 这个研究领域,有时也被称作“模式识别”,它主要是致力于军事应用,比如图片回复、导弹控制和导航。
- The missile control system composed of two pares, the controller and the controlled object. 粗略地看,导弹控制系统都是由控制器和被控对象两大部分组成的。
- With help from training simulators the human operator can develop into a highly efficient guided missile controller. 借助于训练模拟装置,操作者能够培养成为一名高超的导弹控制手。
- The missile is guided by remote control. 这导弹是遥控的。
- A New Kind of Missile Control Computer Based on DSP 基于DSP的新型弹载控制计算机
- Missile Control System Simulation Technology 导弹控制系统仿真技术
- Based on RBF neural networks and backstepping control techniques, a nonlinear adaptive controller design method is proposed for missile control systems with a general set of uncertainties. 在导弹系统存在广义不确定性情况下,提出了一种基于反演设计技术和RBF神经网络的导弹非线性自适应控制系统设计方法。
- missile control loop and stabilization loop 导弹控制回路与稳定回路
- The huge ship was sunk by a homing missile. 这只巨大的军舰被一枚自动寻的导弹击中。
- Based on RBF neural networks and backstepping control techniques, a nonlinear robust controller design method is proposed for missile control systems with input unmodeled dynamics in pitch channel. 在导弹系统俯仰通道中存在输入未建模动态情况下,提出了一种基于RBF神经网络和反演控制技术的非线性鲁棒控制器的设计方法。
- Their missile silos are below ground. 他们的导弹发射井在地下。
- The missile had blown the battleship asunder. 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。
- For the homing missile control system, based on the all - coefficient adaptive control method, presents a new self-tuning controller based on lower order equivalence and the normalized model method. 在全系数自适应控制方法基础上;利用低阶等效和规范化模型方法;对自寻的导弹制导系统设计了一种新的自校正控制器.
- The missile deflected from its trajectory. 导弹已偏离轨道。
- Phoenix Airborne Missile Control System "不死鸟"机载导弹控制系统