- I'm writing on behalf of the minority shareholders. 我正代表少数股东写信。
- Foreign investors may have a better nose for boardroom shenanigans and a strong incentive to protect minority shareholders. 外国投资者还能更好的探悉交易所的欺诈行为,有更强烈的保护中小股东的动机。
- Majority shareholders in limited liability companies often impair the interests of minority shareholders. 有限责任公司小股东权益随时都可能受到侵害。
- As forlorn minority shareholders in Yukos can attest, western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in Russia. 如果尤克斯的那些被遗忘的少数股东们能够上法庭做证,西方投资者也将能从财产权和正派的俄罗斯法院那里受益。
- But the data also show that while minority shareholders do exist even in oligarch-controlled companies, they remain precisely that. 但数据也显示,即使在寡头控制的公司里也的确有少数股股东,但他们始终只是少数股股东。
- If pyramids are such a threat to minority shareholders, Mr Khanna asks, why does anybody ever buy shares in them? 如果金字塔对少数一些股东来说是那样的凶兆,,为什么还有人买里头的股票呢?
- They found that 132 of these transactions ended up benefiting minority shareholders. 他们发现其中的132项交易结束了少数股东的利益。
- To icalizc minority shareholders?rights and interests lutist have systems to guarantee. 中小股东权益的实现要靠制度来保障。
- Can you imagine how the employees would react if they were the minority shareholders? 您能想象如果他们是小股东却这样乱花钱的话,员工会做何反应?
- This required approval from minority shareholders, who feared dilution from the release of a large overhang of state shares. 这需要得到小股东的批准,而小股东则担心释放大量悬置的国有股会起到稀释股权的作用。
- I am writing on behalf of the minority shareholder. 我正代表少数股东写信。
- The lowering of the threshold for the requisition for convening an extraordinary meeting by minority shareholders under section 113. 降低小股东根据第113条请求召开特别大会的最低规定。
- He acquired minority shareholding in the company. 他得到了公司的少数持有股份。
- Implementation of full listing plan facilitates listed companies to adopt best practice in the interest of minority shareholders. 摘要股权分置改革,有利于上市公司规范市场行为和完善公司治理,减少大股东通过“隧道挖掘”对中小投资者的利益侵蚀。
- An even more telling one will be whether minority shareholders will be able to seek redress against chaebol trampling on their rights. 另一个考验更能说明问题,中小股东是否能够对践踏他们权力的财团要求赔偿。
- Yet in this case Novartis has offered to pay Alcon's minority shareholders only $153 a share for their 23% holding, and in its own shares to boot. 所以在这起收购案中,诺华只要向支付持有23%25爱尔康股份的少数股东支付每股135美元的价格,来换购少数股东的股票。
- In the consolidated balance sheets, the equities of minority shareholders shall be separately presented in the category of equities. 在合并资产负债表中,应当在所有者权益类单独列示少数股东权益。
- The system of the appraisal right of dissentient shareholders is an important and efficient way to protect the benefit of the minority shareholders. 异议股东股份收买请求权制度是一项保护中小股东权利的极其重要的、有效的制度。
- Furthermore, we see if minority shareholders are not expropriated, or the government should make laws to protect minority shareholders. 并且从大小股东之利益冲突及小股东是否被剥削,检讨现行相关法条是否对小股东提供足够的保护。
- He acquired minority shareholding in the company . 他得到了公司的少数持有股份。