- So the most important tash now is to perfect our institution of the minority community';s rights protection. 因此,完善我国保护弱势群体的法律制度,建立起完善的弱势群体权益保障机制是我们面临的迫切任务。
- In the minority community, the mass media has the deconstruction and construction influence on rural culture. 在少数民族社区,大众传播对其文化具有解构与建构的作用。
- Internal person's whale swallow, encroaches upon the minority community rights phenomenon, also play the more strong power more. 内部人鲸吞、蚕食弱势群体权益现象,并有愈演愈烈之势。
- Without judgement or drama, but with all the more feeling for every daily detail and composition, the debutant He Jia shows a remote minority community. 取消戏剧冲突和价值判断,代之以细腻真实的生活化气质,导演禾家用这部处女作引领我们走进一个遥远的少数民族群落。
- The beneficiary whom the third factory donates outward should be the public welfare social group and the public welfare not-for-profit business unit, the social minority community is perhaps personal. 第三条 工厂对外捐赠的受益人应为公益性社会团体和公益性非营利的事业单位、社会弱势群体或者个人。
- The street protest took the authorities by surprise as the minority community was largely dismissed as apolitical, fragmented and conveniently alienated from the development of the nation. 那次的街头示威令当局感到震惊,因为印裔少数群体常被视为去政治化、内部分裂和轻易被国家发展忽略。
- Those from the minority communities, as they do not feel strong enough, may opt for ways that are more drastic and extreme. 属于少数社群的艺术家,因为力量特别微弱,所以采取的方法可能更激烈、更极端。
- We have not had strident protests from minority communities who feel unfairly treated. 它将为国人开辟更多自我提升和求取成功的道路。
- The solution, being worked on rather slowly, is to give minority communities patches of forest to tend. 一种解决方式是把森林分块交给少数民族由他们来管理。
- Those from the minority communities,as they do not feel strong enough,may opt for ways that are more drastic and extreme. 属于少数社群的艺术家,因为力量特别微弱,所以采取的方法可能更激烈、更极端。
- The United States census bureau has predicted that ethnic minority communities will make up more than half of America's national population by 2050. 美国人口调查局近日做出预测,到2050年底,少数族裔社区居民数量将占到该国人口总量的一半以上。
- In a roundtable discussion with journalists last month, Panetta noted that less than 13% of his staff have foreign-language skills, and 22% are from minority communities. 在上月一次媒体圆桌会议的讨论中,帕纳塔指出,在中情局雇员中只有13%25不到有外语技能,而少数族裔人员只占到22%25。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。
- A minor road connects the highways. 一条小路同几条公路相连。
- I don't want to go into the minor details now. 我现在不想涉及枝节问题。
- We can afford to overlook minor offences. 我们可以不计较小过。
- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社会福利部工作。
- I made minor alterations to the article. 我对这篇文章作了小规模的修改。