The ratio between major and minor principal stresses basically keeps stable, while it varies between filling and impoundment periods. 大主应力与小主应力之比基本保持恒定,但填筑期及蓄水期的比值大小不同。
The theoretical model created based on minimum principal stress criteion is a new thinking of the three dimensional geo-stress measurements made by hydraulic fracturing method. 采用最小主应力破坏准则,建立理论模型,是利用水压致裂方法进行三维地应力测量的新的研究思路和方法。
The theoretical model created based on minimum principal stress criteion is a new thinking of the three dimensional geo-stress measurements made by hydraulic fracturing method. 采用最小主应力破坏准则,建立理论模型,是利用水压致裂方法进行三维地应力测量的新的研究思路和方法。
The ratio between major and minor principal stresses basically keeps stable, while it varies between filling and impoundment periods. 大主应力与小主应力之比基本保持恒定,但填筑期及蓄水期的比值大小不同。