- minional submanifold 极小子流形
- All offered up sacrifices to the minion of fortune. 所有的人都情愿为这个命运的宠儿作出牺牲。
- Destroy them minion, your master commands it! 听从你主人的命令,消灭那些可悲的虫子!
- Non-combat pets w have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion". 你的非战斗宠物将不会显示你的仆从而是显示你的夥伴。
- While I was waiting to see him, a minion brought me some tea. 我在等着见他时,他手下的人给我倒了杯茶。
- Seems to be as common as the minion but with eight glowing eyes. 看起来和带刀护卫一样,但是有八个发光的眼睛。
- Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion". 你的非战斗宠物将不会显示你的仆从而是显示你的夥伴。
- His impressive pose and towering Infernal minion don't fool me though. 它的令人深刻的姿势和高耸的恶魔宠物都没能愚弄我。
- Grendel and Minion went to war during a recent BattleBots 1)tournament. 葛兰代尔与米尼恩在最近一场战斗机器人锦标赛中开战。
- At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise . 这最多也不过是一批低能的小人物自己干的无聊把戏而已。
- Nale:Right, my minion, and it's how we're going to dangle our lovely bait. 没错,我的小跟班,这就是我们放下可爱诱饵的方法。
- Let M be a closed m-dimensional submanifold in the Euclidean space (or sphere Sm+p). 设M是欧几里德空间E~(m+p)或球S~(m+p)中的m维封闭子流形,T_(?)
- At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise. 这最多也不过是一批低能的小人物自己干的无聊把戏而已。
- And for the special case that M is a Spin minimal submanifold,the estimate of eigenvalue gap is given. 特别地当M为Spin-极小子流形时,给出了其特征值间距和特征值估计。
- In the feature space, the mixing signals form a smaller submanifold, and an orthonormal basis of the submanifold is constructed. 将接收的混合信号映射到一个有限高维核特征空间,在这个特征空间中,利用核主成分分析方法寻找混合信号形成的子流形的一组正交基。
- Multi-condimensional submanifold is a difficultly problem in the study, and this paper investigates the integration formula of centroaffine differential geometry of codimension 2. 高余维子流形是仿射微分几何中难于处理的问题,鉴此,主要研究在余维数为2的情况下,中心仿射微分几何的积分公式.
- The paper gives some conditions that a 2-harmonic space-like submanifole of a pseudo-Riemannian manifold of negative constant curvature is a maximal space-like submanifold. 用活动标架法给出了负常曲率的伪黎曼流形的2-调和子流形成为极大类空子流形的充分条件。
- Tricks Known: As an undead minion, the skeletal horse follows any command its master gives. 已知习惯:作为亡灵仆从;骷髅马遵循主人的任意命令.
- Michael G.Maurer Demon Minion Debra Mayer Ellen Delaney Marc Newburger Will Reynolds... 我要加入谁把本片加入到My Movies 我也看过谁看过这部影片...
- No,my minion,you are my secret weapon.I shall reveal you only when the time is right. 不,我的仆人,你是我的秘密武器。我只会在时机适宜时展现你。