- A Survey on Heavy-metal Content in Plants and Soils in Zinc-lead Mine Tailing Wasteland 柴河铅锌尾矿耐性植物与优势植物的重金属含量研究
- mining tailing wasteland 尾矿库
- Effect of amendments on ryegrass growth in mixed soils of copper mine tailing and garden soil. 黑麦草在铜矿尾矿砂与菜园土复合土壤上的生长及其影响因素研究
- A Prelimary study is made of the leaching parameters of a copper mine tailing,and a new method for tailing leaching and copper recovery in the future is proposed. 本文简介了某铜矿山尾砂可浸性参数初步探索,为尾砂开发、回收铜金属提供了一条新的途径。
- A field revegetation experiment,composed of 3 treatments,CK,adding in garbage compost,and covering with soil,was carried out on an abandoned tin mine tailing dumping ground at Dachang Mining. 100d时采样分析,垃圾肥处理组的银合欢生长状况最好,重金属从土壤到植物的迁移明显降低,说明在锡矿尾砂库植被重建中,可以利用垃圾肥替代土壤,银合欢可以作为锡矿尾砂库植被重建的先锋树种。
- Investigation on the vegetation of iron tailing wasteland in Shilu,Changjiang,Hainan Province 海南昌江石碌铁矿尾矿库区植被调查
- Another application of biodegradation enhancement is the recovery of metals from ores and mining tailings with metal levels too low for smelting. 促进生物降解的另一个应用是从矿石或金属含量很低的不能熔炼的矿渣中回收金属。
- With the development of gold production,the gold mine tailings increase graduall y. 随着黄金生产的进程,黄金矿山排放的尾矿日益增多,堆积如山。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Effects of different techniques for revegetation of Lechang Pb/Zn mine tailings were assessed. 硫铁矿排上场除重金属浓度稍偏高外.基本能适宜植物的生长与定居。
- Fankou and Lechang Pb/Zn mine tailings and Yunfu, Yingde and Yangchun pyrite mine spoils were studied. 研究对象主要有广东凡口和乐昌铅锌矿尾矿;
- Effects of water leaching on the acid forming and heavy metal mobility of Lechang Pb/Zn mine tailings were studied in lysimeters. 利用淋溶实验,研究了乐昌铅锌尾矿的酸化及其对重金属溶出的影响。
- A large number of deserted copper mine tailings dumps of different age exist in Tongling, East China, covering a large area of land. 在铜陵铜矿区堆存着大量的不同时期弃置的尾矿废弃物,形成大面积铜尾矿废弃地。
- It is an effective measure to produce high-belite cementitious material by burning gold mine tailings and limestone at high temperature after milling. 利用黄金尾矿和石灰石,通过配料、粉磨、高温煅烧制备出富含高贝利特相矿物的胶凝材料,实现黄金尾矿的资源化。
- tailing wasteland 尾矿废弃地
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- Mine tailings give rise to acid drainage and heavy metals which pollute ground water, surface water and dest ecological environment. 矿山尾矿由于产生大量酸性排水和释放重金属,污染地下水和地表水,破坏生态环境而成为人们关注的焦点。
- Mildred Lake, meanwhile, is now dwarfed by its neighbor, the Mildred Lake Settling Basin, a four-square-mile lake of toxic mine tailings. 跟隔壁占地十平方公里、充满毒矿渣的密尔德勒湖尾矿池相比,现在密尔德勒湖相形见绌。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- Preliminary Study on the Pollution of Lead and Zinc Mine Tailing 铅锌尾矿对环境污染的初步研究