- De Beers Botswana Mining Company: Gaborone; Chair.-Gilvie Thompson. 博茨瓦纳德比尔斯矿业公司:哈博罗内;董事长-汤普森。
- We are forming a mining company; you had better cast in your lot with us. 我们在组建采矿公司,你最好和我们合伙。
- CIC will hold onto the stock for at least a year, said the mining company. 交易完成后中投将至少持有所购股票一年。
- A mining company hopes to extract precious metals from the surrounding sea-bed. 一个采矿公司冀望能在周围的海床上截取珍贵的金属。
- As the boom in commodities prices stretches into its fifth year, mining company executives are more bullish than ever. 随着大宗商品价格连续第5年迅猛上涨,矿业企业高管们比以往更为乐观。
- Instead, Rio Tinto formed an alliance with BHP Billiton, the world’s biggest mining company. 相反,力拓和必和必拓结成联盟,(成为)世界上最大的矿业公司。
- And the bigger the mining company the more pricing clout it would have with Asian customers. 同时,一家更大的公司和更多的定价机会有可能吸引到亚洲的客户。
- Rio was the lead negotiator for the mining companies. 力拓是代表矿业公司利益的首席谈判代表。
- Exchanges. I remember a CEO of a global mining company once said China is not part of the story, China is the whole story. 我记得,一个全球矿业公司的总裁曾经说过,中国不是故事发生的一个角色,而是整个故事发生的舞台。
- He is a senior vice present with Shoregold, a diamond mining company in Canada.He goes to Antwerp to have his diamonds revalued. 他是加拿大钻石开采公司绍尔高德的高级副总裁,他来到安特卫普为公司的钻石做重新评估。
- Big investors in Anglo urged it to keep the door open to a sweetened deal, which would create the world's third-biggest mining company. 英美资源公司的大股东们则主张敞开大门,以促成一笔更好的买卖。合并如果成功,将造就全球第三大矿产公司。
- Information, TZN are an Australian company engaged in lead-zinc exploration, development and production mining company listed. 资料显示,TZN公司是澳大利亚一家从事铅锌矿勘探、开发和生产的上市矿业公司。
- The authors use FLAC to carry out simulation analysis on two mining options in southern slope of Yanqianshan Iron Ore Mine of Anshan Mining Company. 利用FLAC程序,对鞍山矿业公司眼前山铁矿采场南帮的两种开采方案分别进行了模拟研究。
- If the success of the merger, the new company will become the world's third mining company, after BHP Billiton and Brazil's CVRD (VALE). 如果成功合并,新公司将成为全球排名第三的矿业公司,仅次于必和必拓和巴西的淡水河谷(VALE)。
- Offer to your Coal Mining Companies of Surplus Coal Processing Plants! 苏格兰关闭的煤矿,设备需要转让,有意请联系!
- But for the moment Mr Rudd ducks questions on Chinalco, the Chinese metals company that recently snapped up a 9 per cent stake in Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto. 但在目前,陆克文回避了关于中国铝业公司(Chinalco)的问题该公司近期收购了英-澳矿业公司力拓(Rio Tinto) 9%25的股份。
- Certainly meeting, even if lets me give way mine company, I also can help you. You all are arrange in my heart at first. 当然会,就算让我把我的公司垮掉,我也会帮你的。你在我心里都是排在第一的。
- Linear charge blasting at the net of highway to Zhuhai aerodrome and the hole blasting at underground stope in Gaofen mining company have been design by the expressions. 按推导的计算式设计了珠海西区机场路垭口条形药包爆破和高峰矿业有限责任公司地下采场浅孔爆破。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- China's Hunan Valin Iron &Steel took a 16.5% stake in Fortescue Metals, the third big investment by a Chinese firm in an Australian mining company in as many weeks. 中国湖南华菱钢铁集团取得福斯科铁矿公司16.;5%25的股权,就像在许多星期所发生的一样,这是一家中国公司对澳大利亚矿业公司的第三大投资。