- The significance of dealing coal mine collapse pit and reclamation of land are introduced. 介绍了煤矿塌陷坑的治理途径和复垦的意义。
- JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Search efforts entered a second day Wednesday for 14 people feared trapped by a mine collapse on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, officials said. 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道于印尼雅加达-本周三,搜救由于苏门答腊煤矿垮塌而被困的十四名人员的行动进入第二天。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- It has been used by many countries such as China, USA, Japan, Peru, Australia, South Africa, Iceland and Italy, in research fields of plate tectonics, earthquake, volcanic eruption, dam safety, oil field subsidence, mining collapse and so on. 这种观测已经被美国、日本、秘鲁、澳大利亚、南非、冰岛、意大利等国家用于对板块运动、地震、火山、水库、油田等众多方面的观测研究 .
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- He further sought to fend off the inquiry by saying he would pay for some of the damage to infrastructure from the accident, a mine collapse that injured no one but left a gaping sinkhole. 他还试图抵挡的调查说,他将支付的一些基础设施的损坏的事故,煤矿塌陷受伤,但没有人留下了巨大的污水池。
- Coal Mine collapse basin was unused land,and it was natural constructed wetland model too.Fly-ash of coal as substrates used in constructed wetland systems and plant some aquatic macrophyte. 煤矿塌陷区是闲置土地,它也是天然人工湿地模型,以粉煤灰为基质,栽种某些水生植物即可组成人工湿地,它不仅可以很好的处理矿区污水,也可用以农作物灌溉或处理回用,同时还能实现粉煤灰的资源化利用;
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- He went heels over head into buying mining stock. 他购买了矿业股票,做事真鲁莽。
- Success is mine if I stick it out. 只要我坚持到底成功就是我的。
- Response of Vulnerable Ecological Environment to Mining Collapsing in Arid Area--An example in Mining Area at the Margin of Maowusu Dessert 脆弱生态环境对干旱区采矿的响应与对策--以毛乌素沙漠边缘矿区为例
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。
- I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park. 我昨天在公园里碰见一位老朋友。
- I would like you to meet a friend of mine. 我想让你和我一个朋友见见面。
- His book is the best on the subject after mine. 他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。
- The ship's bow was blown off by a mine. 船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。
- She interlaced her fingers with mine. 她使她的手指和我的手指交错。
- The lorry was destroyed by a buried mine. 卡车被一枚埋在地下的地雷炸毁。
- His knowledge of history exceeds mine. 他的历史知识超过我。