- minimum standards of occupancy 最低居住标准
- A social security system that guarantees urbanites a minimum standard of living has been established across China. 在城市普遍建立了居民最低生活保障制度。
- A system to ensure a minimum standard of living for city residents has been established in most cities. 大多数城市建立了居民最低生活保障制度。
- Ever since they employed correspondents in Asia, most articles about China were not up to the minimum standard of Time. 在他们开始聘请亚洲通讯员后,几乎所有关于中国的文章报导都达不到他们的最低标准。
- The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents will be improved to upgrade gradually the insurance of a minimum standard of living. 完善城市居民最低生活保障制度,逐步提高最低生活保障水平。
- The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents shall be standardized. 规范城市居民最低生活保障制度。
- The concept of procedural due process implies that official action must meet minimum standards of fairness to the individual, such as the right to adequate notice and a meaningful opportunity to be heard before a decision is made. 程序性正当程序概念的意思是,正式行动必须符合对个人的最低公正标准,如得到充分通知的权利和在作出裁定之前的有意义的听证机会,等。
- However, such standards shall not be less than the minimum standards of living stipulated by the people's government of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. 但是不得低于省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定的最低标准。
- In the same year,the Chinese government officially promulgated the Regulations on Guaranteeing Urban Residents'Minimum Standard of Living to ensure the basic livelihood of all urban residents. 同年,中国政府正式颁布了《城市居民最低生活保障条例》,为城市所有居民提供最基本的生活保障。
- Have standards of morality improved? 道德标准是否有所改进?
- The standard of the property crime amount means the minimum standard against the social hazardous crime amount as we]] as the different crime amount relate to different legal punishment scope. 财产犯罪数额标准,是指具有应受刑罚处罚的社会危害性的犯罪数额的最小标准,以及不同犯罪数额对应不同的法定刑幅度。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- For newly built project that we encourage, the administrative and utilities charges before the project starts will be collected at the minimum standard of 30% in addition to reducing and exempting various charges to the utmost. 对新建鼓励类项目,除最大限度减免各项收费外,其开办前的行政性和事业性收费一律按最低限的30%25收取。
- We should establish high standards of cleanliness. 我们应该建立高标准的卫生标准。
- He was bored for lack of occupation. 他因无所事事而感到厌烦。
- Prudent man always fits his standard of living to his budget. 谨慎的人总是使他的生活水平符合他的收支预算。
- A high standard of play marked the match between the two teams. 这两个队的比赛表现了很高的技术水平。
- Perfect a Minimum Standard of living 健全与完善最低生活保障制度
- The way these tourists dress offends local standards of propriety. 这些游客的穿着在当地人的眼中简直不成体统。
- A minimum standard of living for city residents 城镇居民最低生活标准