- It classifies matching pixels by dynamic threshold. If absolute difference of gray value is more than threshold, it counts the minimum absolute difference square of the gray level of the two images. 它先对匹配像素用动态阈值分类,若灰度绝对差大于阈值,再使用最小绝对差平方累加和作为相似性度量。
- minimum absolute difference 最小绝对差
- The rate of oerall prophylactic failure was 40.2% with ertapenem and 50.9% with cefotetan, an absolute difference of 10.7% faoring ertapenem. 厄他培南的全面预防失败率是40.;2%25,头孢替坦是50
- The difference, especially the absolute difference, between one number in a set and the mean of the set. 离差差别,尤指绝对差异,也就是指一套装置中的某一个与其它的之间的差异
- The maximum of shear rate, turbulent kinetic energy and the energy dissipation rate increase with the rotor s peed ,the minimum absolute pressure of the field decreases with the rotor speed. 同时研究了不同转速下混合器内的最大剪切速率、最大湍流动能及最大能量耗散速率随操作转速的变化规律。
- Statistics The difference, especially the absolute difference, between one number in a set and the mean of the set. 离差:差别,尤指绝对差异,也就是指一套装置中的某一个与其它的之间的差异
- The rate of overall prophylactic failure was 40.2% with ertapenem and 50.9% with cefotetan, an absolute difference of 10.7% favoring ertapenem. 厄他培南的全面预防失败率是40.;2%25,头孢替坦是50
- Study limitations included the number of crossovers between groups, with the absolute difference in epidural use 40% between groups. 此研究限制因素包括:两组的妇女的重叠存在、两组间硬脑膜外止痛的使用率相差40%25。
- The power function correlation between the horizontal precipitation and the absolute difference of observed precipitation was confirmed and the correlation coefficient is 0.99. 在现行的台站观测业务中,只要增加横向雨量器的并行观测,就可对台站雨量器测量的降水量(包括雪量)实施订正。
- This paper adopts the prediction models to forecast the change trend of regional economic absolute difference and relative difference among counties in Xinjiang. 本文采用趋势外推预测法和时间序列分析预测法对新疆县域经济发展水平的绝对差异和相对差异的变化趋势进行了预测。
- The global tilt message caused by the atmosphere turbulence can be extracted using the cross-correlation coefficient algorithm and the sum of absolute difference algorithm. 利用互相关因子算法和绝对差分算法可以提取大气湍流的整体倾斜信息。
- the Minimum Within-Cluster Absolute Difference algorithm 最小类内绝对差法
- Using optical correlation and a novel cycle-encoding method the processing of gray-scalae image matching based on absolute difference magnanimity is realized. 利用光学相关原理和循环编码方法实现了基于绝对差度量的灰阶图像快速匹配处理;
- This paper emphasizes on the linear assembly optimization of some time-consuming key modules such as half pixel interpolate, sum of absolute difference (SAD) and so on. 这些方法提高了程序代码的并行性和存储器的访问效率,其中重点介绍了算法中比较耗时的半像素插值、绝对误差和(SAD)等关键模块的线性汇编优化。
- In the "per-protocol analysis" of 338 ertapenem-treated and 334 cefotetan-treated patients, the failure rate was 28.0% and 42.8%, respectiely, an absolute difference of 14.8% again faoring ertapenem. 在338名用厄他培南治疗的和334名用头孢替坦治疗的病人的“按方案分析”中,失败率分别为28.;0%25和42
- "Although the absolute difference is small," the risks should be considered by women thinking of asking for a cesarean delivery, the investigators conclude in their article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. “虽然绝对差小,”要求剖宫产的妇女还是因该考虑这些风险,研究人员在他们(发表于)加拿大医学会杂志的文章中总结到。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- If a Buddha signs, it is going to be absolutely different. 如果佛签字,那将会大不相同。
- We have pared down our expenses to a bare minimum. 我们已最大限度地削减了开支。
- The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue. 这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。