- minimizing of command language 指令语言的最小化
- He roared out the word of command. 他大声发出命令。
- A good system can't have a weak command language. 一个好的系统离不开一个好的命令语言。
- Which command Show full path name of command. 显示命令的完整路径,如详细内容。
- I'd better expedite the change of command. 我最好尽快上任,接过指挥权。
- Up rose the soldiers at the word of command. 一声令下,士兵们都站了起来。
- Avoid conflicting lines of command. 杜绝多头听命,造成指令矛盾。
- Returns a collection of command objects. 返回命令对象的集合。
- He roared out the word of command . 他大声发出命令。
- Seal of Command: Clarified tooltip. 命令圣印:修正说明。
- Who is in authority (ie holds the position of command) now? 现在谁掌权?
- The language of command is the language of ultimatism. 命令的词句正是最后通牒主义的词句。
- He will be an extra and unnecessary link in the chain of command. 他在整个指挥链条中将成为一个额外的和多余的环节。
- In this case, the output of command goes to the screen. 在这个例子中,command的输出出现在屏幕上。
- The formula had a quality of appeal, of despair, and of command. 这句口头禅中带有恳求,绝望和命令的性质。
- But this I say by way of concession, not by way of command. 6我说这话,是容许你们,并不是命令。
- Not only is feminist psychology opposed to the exaggeration of gender differences,but also questions the minimizing of the differences. 在女性心理的研究中 ,它既反对夸大性别差异 ,也反对抹杀和取消性别差异。
- MIDI contains three types of commands. MIDI包含三种命令。
- In the fall of 1987, while on sabbatical at DEC's Western Research Laboratory, I got the idea of building an embeddable command language. 我同时深信,对集成这些组件而言,除非有一种强大并具有弹性的机制,否则,基于组件的设计不会成功。
- Method is used to clear the list of commands. 方法可用于清除命令列表。