- However,highway tunnel engineering quality inspection and evaluation standard is being dominated by mine tunneling method that obviously exists limitation and obsolescence. 然而在公路隧道质量控制和管理方面仍沿用按矿山法制定的质量检验评定标准,显然存在局限性和陈旧性。
- mine tunneling method 矿山法
- The effects of cage in mine tunnel on the cutoff frequency is analyzed by the finite-element method when the tunnel is regarded as a waveguide, and the numerical results are obtained. 把矿井隧道看作波导,利用有限元法分析了隧道中的罐笼对电磁波截止频率的影响,并得到数值结果。
- The application of the New Austrian Tunneling Method to the tunneling of the diversion tunnel for Dalong Water Control Project is described herein. 摘要主要介绍新奥法施工在三亚大隆水利枢纽工程导流隧洞开挖中的应用。
- Rescuers recover a victim at the mine tunnel in West Sumatra, Indonesia, on Tuesday. 周二,搜救人员从煤矿中救起了一名受害者。
- This paper discusses the treatment technique for highway tunnel in fault rupture zone during construction with New Austrian Tunneling Method. 摘要结合工程实例,探讨山区公路隧道新奥法施工中地质断层破碎带的处理技术。
- Being effected by air flow temperature,the use rule algorithm calculation high temperature mine tunnel ventilation parameter is able to come into being the specified error. 受风流增温的影响,使用常规算法计算高温矿井的巷道通风参数会产生一定误差,这会直接影响风网解算结果。
- Historians,especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of“tunnel method,”frequently fall victim to the“technicist fallacy. 史学家,尤其是那些局限于他们的研究兴趣,以致被指责为“单方同研究法”的史学家,常常成了“单纯技术方法论”的牺牲品。
- Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of "tunnel method , "frequently fall victim to the "technicist fallacy. 历史学家经常成为机械谬论的受害者,尤其是那些因他们的研究兴趣而变得盲目的历史学家--以至于被人们认为是‘封闭研究’。
- Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of "tunnel method , " frequently fall victim to the "technicist fallacy. 历史学家经常成为机械谬论的受害者,尤其是那些因他们的研究兴趣而变得盲目的历史学家--以至于被人们认为是‘封闭研究’。
- Historians ,especially those so blinded by their researech interests that they have been accused of "tunnel method", frequently fall victim to the "technicist fallacy". 历史学家,特别是那些被他们研究兴趣蒙蔽了的历史学家,他们的方法被看作是“管中之见”,他们常常也成为“技术谬误”的牺牲品。
- The local mechanical ventilation is usually used in the construction of mine tunneling,the common ventilation methods are exhaust ventilation,forced ventilation and compound ventilation. 在矿山巷道的掘进作业及隧道的导洞开挖等工程中,常采用局部机械通风,常见的通风方式有抽出式、压入式和混合式。
- Its extracting method includes surface well drilling and underground mine tunnelling.The tunnelling method is suitable for many mine areas in our country. 开发煤层气的方法有地面钻井开采和井巷开采两种,其中井巷开采方法适用于我国许多矿区。
- Because of the weak borehole sealing and inadequate use of the initial free face, the higher investment and unsatisfactory blasting effect still exist in the mine tunnel excavation blasting. 由于炮孔堵塞不牢和初始自由面利用不充分,井下平巷的掘进开挖爆破仍存在投入大、爆破结果欠理想等问题。
- Using FINAL, the structure analysis of the Guangzhou subway Line 4# tunnel in Huangzhou section was carried out. The process of excavation with the New Austrian Tunneling Method was exactly simulated. 运用上述锚杆和喷层单元模拟广州地铁4号线黄洲段地下隧道的支护措施,并使用非线性有限元方法,对该隧道的开挖施工过程、支护措施进行了仿真计算。
- Especially New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM) construction has sometimes been adopted in highway tunnel project, which has been applied only 20 years in our country, and people are probing into and practicing it. 特别是高速公路隧道工程往往采用新奥法施工,其应用在我国仅仅二十来年的时间,人们对新奥法的认识,处于探索与实践中。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- When constructing a highway tunnel with the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM), monitoring is essential to ensure safety, to optimize design and to gain the fundamental data for structure analysis. 公路隧道施工监控量测是新奥法施工的重要内容,对保障施工安全、优化设计、为隧道结构分析提供实测数据有重要作用。
- mining tunnelling method 矿山隧道施工法
- New Austrian tunneling method was adopted for the primary support,secondary permanent lining and grouting treatment,and the convergence survey was performed after the primary support. 对此类围岩采用“新奥法”施工方法,即一次支护,二次永久衬砌施工和灌浆处理,并在一次支护完成后进行了收敛量测。