- mine energy economization 煤矿节能
- This machine is a ~ of energy economization. 这台机器是节约能源的样板。
- This essay analyzes the solution on the technology,exploitation of new resource,energy economization and economy. 文中浅析了解决这一问题在技术、开发新能源、节能和经济上的对策。
- Currently, the development of country economy is confronted with two greatness challenges, energy economization and environmental protection. 当前我国国民经济面临节约能源和环境保护两大挑战,充分合理地利用能源是可持续发展的关键。
- Equipments of this type would make outstanding contributions to envioronmental purification and energy economization in the fields of controlling any kinds organic waste gases. 以低能耗为突出优点的本型设备,将在各种有机废气治理领域内为净化环境和节能作出卓越的贡献。
- Search for the integration control system under the base of electronic message and mechanics of communication which can be used at energy economization and environmental management. 寻求以电子信息及通讯技术为基础的集成控制系统应用在能源节能控制及环保管理。
- About energy economization, mainly introduced how new technologies and methods are used in utilizing of hydraulic head, decreasing pressure and quantity, setting of fire-fighting system, water pump, supplying of hot water etc. 关于节能,主要介绍了在给水管网水头的利用方面,减压节流问题方面,生活与消防系统设置方面,水泵方面,开水供应方面的节能新方法、新技术。
- Giving priority to hydro-electric power is an inevitable choice to realize the energy economization, to guarantee the sustainable development of the energy industry and to satisfy the requirement to build up the harmonious society. 摘要优先发展水电能源是对能源资源最大的节约,是保证能源工业持续发展,满足构建和谐社会能源需求的必然选择。
- Energy economization and exploiting new energy sources are efficient ways to solve the problem.Furthermore,legal guarantee is imperative during the whole course of energy economization. 陈德敏(1952-),重庆人,重庆大学副校长,中国法学会环境资源法学研究会副会长,博士。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or a system of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这种花费,无论是以税收的形式还是购买污染许可证的形式收取,都将彻底改变能源经济学。
- It uses environment-friendly materials, energy economical equipment and reproducible resources so as to preserve the ecological environment. 它采用节能和可再生资源,保护自然生态环境,文化、展览等设施俱全。
- Such a charge, whether a tax or asystem of tradable permits to pollute, would change energy economics radically. 这笔费用,无论是税费还是一种可交易的污染许可系统,将会从根本上改变能源经济。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- It uses environment-friendly materials,energy economical equipment and reproducible resources so as to preserve the ecological environment. 它采用节能和可再生资源,保护自然生态环境,文化、展览等设施俱全。
- Success is mine if I stick it out. 只要我坚持到底成功就是我的。
- Kevin N.Rask. Clean air and renewable fuels: the market for fuel ethanol in the USA from 1984 to 1993[J]. Energy Economic,1998,(20): 325-345. 国家经贸委;国家计委;国家质量监督检验检疫总局;国家环保局.;车用乙醇汽油使用试点方案[N]
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。
- I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park. 我昨天在公园里碰见一位老朋友。