- mine construction survey 建井测量
- Coal mine construction projects shall conform with the plans for coal production and development and the policies for the coal industry. 煤矿建设项目应当符合煤炭生产开发规划和煤炭产业政策。
- A construction control system is a very important fundamental project of large hydro projects, and crucial to construction survey. 施工控制网是大型水利水电工程的一项很重要的基础性工程,是施工测量的关键。
- It also discussed how to implement road construction survey and staking-out using polar coordinate method. 并对如何利用极坐标法进行道路施工测量放样作了论述。
- Title: Elementarily talking about the parallel and synchro way on construction survey. 文章介绍了平行同步测量方法的应用条件、过程及施工效果等.
- Through introducing the construction survey and precision requirement, to expound the application of the new survey technology to construction survey. 通过介绍施工测量及精度要求,阐述了测绘新技术在施工测量中的应用。
- This paper systematically presents the successes and experiences of the Baiyin Nonferrous Metal Company in mine construction and development. 本文系统地介绍了白银有色金属公司矿山建设与发展的成就与取得的经验。
- This paper gives brief description of new technique and new methods applied in construction survey for headrace tunnel at Shiziping hydropower station. 摘要阐述了狮子坪水电站引水隧洞洞内施工测量运用的新工艺和新方法。
- Associating the construction survey of Guangzhou metro,the paper discusses the mission,content and methods of the survey supervision. 以广州地铁施工测量为背景,论述测量监理的任务、内容和措施,并根据地铁监理的特点提出几点建议,供大家参考。
- GPS positioning technology has its special advantages when applied for construction survey of large && especially large engineering projects. GPS定位技术应用在大型和特大型工程项目施工测量中,有其特有的优势。
- Yangquan Coal Group Corporation has in high-production and high-effect mine construction recently, but still keeps some pace with advanced level at home and abroad. 摘要近年来,阳泉煤业集团公司在高产高效矿井建设方面取得了一定成绩,但与国内外先进水平相比仍有较大差距。
- Yangquan Coal Group Corporation has in high-production and high-effect mine construction recently,but still keeps some pace with advanced level at home and abroad. 近年来,阳泉煤业集团公司在高产高效矿井建设方面取得了一定成绩,但与国内外先进水平相比仍有较大差距。
- Currently, the company is working at the prophase preparation for a 1 million t/a lignite liquefied plant construction project and the matched coal mine construction project. 目前,公司正进行100万吨/年的褐煤液化厂建设项目和配套煤矿建设项目的前期工作。
- As a pioneer in the reform of mine construction model in China, AnQing Copper Mine has made outsanding achievements since its establishment more than ten years ago. 安庆铜矿是国家进行矿山企业模式改革的试点单位。本文从矿山十多年来所取得的突出成就,总结出了五个方面的有益启示。
- The freezing drill bore project is the chiefly working procedure of a mine construction.Its quality could directly influence the periods of a mine construction. 冻结造孔工程是矿井建设当中的首要工序,其质量高低直接影响到矿井建设的周期,只有高质量完成每一个冻结孔施工,缩短冻结时间,才能使矿井早日建成投产;
- In order to achieve the goal of high quality, low cost and short construction period, it is very important that how to systemically supervise the mine construction engineering. 如何对矿山建设工程进行系统监理,以达到质量高、投资省、工期短的建设目标,是矿山建设中十分重要的问题。
- Based on a certain high-rise apartment building in Pingdingshan City,the pure concrete wall construction techniques is described in the aspects of construction survey,shuttering works,concrete works and concrete deficit modification. 结合平顶山市某高层住宅楼工程实际 ,从施工测量、模板工程、混凝土工程及混凝土缺陷修补等方面 ,较详细地阐述了清水混凝土的施工工艺
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- This paper introduces the general situation of water conveyance project of Dahuofang Tunnel,analyzes the horizontal run-through error,and determines the effective construction survey scheme. 简要介绍了大伙房隧洞输水工程的概况,重点对其横向贯通误差进行了分析,确定了有效的施工测量方案。