- In the light of practical situation of bigamy crime in China, the objective aspect of bigamy crime should be clearly defined so that a relatively consummate law against the crime of bigamy can be legislated so as to effectively punish such a crime. 鉴于我国现在的实际情况,为了更好地惩罚事实婚的重婚犯罪,应当对重婚罪的客观方面作出更为明确、严谨的规定,从而就事实重婚行为可构成重婚罪的问题,制定出新的,比较完善的法律。
- The malleable mind of the pragmatist. 实用主义者那适应性很强的思想
- Talks on Crime Formation and Legal Types of the Bigamy--A Trial on A Case of Bigamy Crime 通过对一件重婚案件的审理谈重婚罪的犯罪构成和法律类型
- The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince. 那种思想已逐渐灌输到了年幼的王子的头脑中。
- The terrible disaster has fastened itself on the mind of little Jones. 这场可怕的空难深深地印在小琼斯的脑中。
- We also have more control of bigamy way of marriage partners. 我们还有重婚罪管束多性伴的婚姻方式。
- He puts me in mind of a comrade in my army unit. 他使我想起了我们部队的一位同志。
- Her little son has a mind of great capacity. 她的小儿子接受力很强。
- Her way of speaking put me in mind of her mother. 她说话的样子使我想起了她的母亲。
- These reasons operated on the mind of the audience. 这些道理在听众的思想上产生了作用。
- Fears evacuated her mind of reason. 恐惧使她失去了理智。
- Are the bigamous actions regarded illegal and committing crime of bigamy under all situations? 重婚行为作为违法行为是否不论情况均构成重婚罪?
- Confession disburdened her mind of anxiety. 忏悔解除了她心中的忧虑
- Those marrying one person while still legally getting married to another shall be punished as bigamy crime. 一个同时与二人以上结婚应以重婚罪定罪处罚。
- I wish I could clear my mind of doubt. 但愿我能消除心中的疑虑。
- Be mindful of the needs of others. 要考虑到他人的需要。
- She is mindful of her responsibilities. 她对自己所负的责任铭记在心。
- There are some flaws in the stipulation of present Chinese law on crime of bigamy, such as the stipulation of marriage, spouses the marriage of fact, which is not strict enough. 摘要我国现行《刑法》对重婚罪规定,存在诸如对“结婚”、“配偶”、“事实婚姻”等方面规定欠严谨等问题。
- The idea exists only in the minds of poets. 这种想法是诗人才有的。
- We are always mindful of the danger of fire. 我们时刻都很注意火灾的危险。