- mimicking human individual 仿人类个体
- What does it mean to be a unique human individual? 成为一个独特的个体意味着什么?
- The rodent models called on to mimic human cancers are just not measuring up. 想利用齧齿动物当模型来模拟人类癌症的想法,就是一直无法达到预期标准。
- That number has been creeping up , mainly because scientists can now plant foreign genes into creatures so that they better mimic human responses to disease. 这个数据还在上爬,主要是因为科学家现在可以把外来基因植入这些动物,这样(动物)就更准确的模仿人类对疾病的反应了。
- This mainly owes to ANNs' ability to mimic human intelligence and hence making ANNs a more robust technique in the decision making in a dynamic environment. 本论文中,提出一个以基因演算法及倒传递网路法作短期火力发电机组之调派。基因演算法乃根据自然进化原则所发展出之最佳化求解理论。
- Any of numerous tropical and semitropical birds of the order Psittaciformes, characterized by a short hooked bill, brightly colored plumage, and, in some species, the ability to mimic human speech or other sounds. 鹦鹉多种热带和亚热带鹦形目鸟类中的任一种,其特征是长有短钩喙,亮色羽毛,有些种类的鸟能模仿人的话语或其它声音
- Computer engineers will continue to measure their efforts to mimic human intelligence, as British mathematician Alan Turing suggested 50 years ago, by asking you whether you're talking to a person or a machine. 计算机工程师将继续努力来模仿人类智力,就像英国数学家艾伦·图灵50年前提出的那样,问你是否能分清与人对话还是与机器对话。
- To abstract from the historical process and to fix the religious sentiment as something by itself and to presuppose an abstract -- isolated -- human individual. 从历史进程中抽象出来,投入宗教的感情中,假定一个抽象的-孤立的-人类个体。
- Even in terms of mechanical structure, most robots are made with a number of parts mimicking human anatomy or that of some animals or insects, but they do not necessarily resemble a man. 就其机械结构而言,大多数机器人制造都是模仿人类或一些动物和昆虫某一部分结构的,但并不需要完全像人。
- Computer engineers will continue to measure their efforts to mimic human intelligence,as British mathematician Alan Turing suggested 50 years ago,by asking you whether you're talking to a person or a machine. 计算机工程师将继续努力来模仿人类智力,就像英国数学家艾伦·图灵50年前提出的那样,问你是否能分清与人对话还是与机器对话。
- This too is our lesson, as we too created life within the sea mimicking humans creating life upon the land. 这也是我们的课程,因为我们模仿人类在大陆上创造生命而也在海洋内创造了生命。
- The artificial hearts developed so far have mostly mimicked human ones. 迄今为止,人造心脏大多都是模仿人类心脏研发的。
- To prove a lasting effect, McGinty mimicked human sleep apnea in rats. 为了证明持久的影响,模仿人的深度睡眠呼吸暂停的影响。
- On the atmic plane, human individuality dissolves into a series of incarnations. 在阿特密层,人类个体溶入一系列化身。
- Other human individualities will be neighbors of the types or individualities with which they shall be in affinity. 它是在几乎所有其它的个性之间的不可缺少的一环。
- He holds an abstract affirmation on human individuality as an objective, while a concrete negation on it. 他对于作为目的的人类个性的肯定是抽象的,而否定则是具体的。
- This parrot is an amazing mimic. 这只鹦鹉很会学舌。
- Therefore, all human individuals have become unanimously and profoundly indebted to( obliged to, attached to, dependent on) Nature. 所以人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依赖着。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The scientists from the University of Cincinnati induced corneal abnormalities in the mice that mimicked human genetic eye mutations. 来自辛辛那提大学的科学家模拟人类眼部基因突变在小鼠上引进了异常眼角膜。