- The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。
- Where do I find a direct link to your space program? I would like to follow the progress of the space flight. 我在哪里才能找到有关贵国航天计划的直接链接?我希望能够随时了解此次太空行动的进展。
- China has stepped up both its civilian and military space program in recent years. 中国加紧其民用和军用太空计划近年。
- You can choose to specialize as a civilian meteorologist, serve in the military, or even in the space program. 你可以选择专门作民用气象学家、在军队服务或者甚至参加航天项目。
- In the seventies the U.S. space program seemed to have reached a plateau of development. 七十年代美国的宇宙空间计划似乎发展到了一个较高的水准。
- It was active in the germinal stages of the space program. 在太空计划的最初阶段是积极的。
- Will the U.S. Be Willing to Cooperate with China in Space Program? 美国会同中国进行太空合作吗?
- Tragically, the odds finally caught up with the space program. 不幸的是,灾难终于发生在航天计划上。
- Pyongyang said that it was a part of peaceful space program. 平壤方面说这是和平利用太空活动的一部分。
- Iran's fledgling space program is provoking unease abroad. 伊朗刚刚开展的太空计划正在国外引起不安。
- The report, the latest annual assessment of China's military power, highlights developments in China's commercial space program and asserts that some of it can be of military use. 这份最新的对中国军事力量评估的年度报告强调了中国的商业太空计划并断言,一些(中国的商业太空)能力能够被用作军事目的使用。
- Avionics has become even more important with the development of the space program. 随着太空项目的发展,航空电子技术愈加重要了
- Tony Auth's cartoon weighs in on the side of the manned space program. 托尼-奥斯的这幅漫画支持载人航天飞行。
- We will continue our story of America's Gemini space program next week. 我们将在下星期继续播讲美国双子座太空计划的故事。
- In the space program the theory is used to determine spaceship trajectories. 在空间计划中,这个理论用于确定飞船的轨道。
- Tune in to NGC to see if the farmers can really give the space program a hand. 锁定国家地理频道,看看这些养殖者是否真能助太空计划一臂之力。
- Both wings of the space program, human and robotic, badly need stability. 无论是人类或机器人,都需要非常稳定的计画。
- With regards to military technology, space programs go beyond simple aeronautics and computer-simulation models. 航天只要涉及到军事技术,就远远不止航空学、计算机模拟这么简单了。
- Corduceps militaris Link. 蛹草
- And Brevard County in Florida is where America's space program all began. 佛罗里达的布里瓦德县是美国太空计划的发源地。