- Additional soldiers must be recalled to active duty in the face of this military threat. 遇有军事威胁,预备役战士必须召到现役岗位上去。
- In the past, Mr. Aso's called China a military threat to Japan. 过去麻生太郎曾称中国是日本的军事威胁。
- The situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat. 局势让我们明白军事威胁的真相。
- The comments are a rebuke to Taiwan's President Chen Shui-bian over his plans for a referendum on Beijing's military threat. 这一言论是对台湾当局领导人陈水扁不顾中国军事威胁,继续推行“公投”的行为发出的正面谴责。
- Generally, a medic holding his/her weapon is considered to be an armed, military threat. 通常,如果军医手持着他的武器,就属于有军事威胁兵员。
- However, China's military threat to Taiwan, which it claims to be a renegade province, remains. 然而,中国宣称台湾乃其逃离省份,其对台湾的军事威胁依然存在。
- Pentagon report on China's military modernization distorts facts and plays up the "China military threat" theory, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday. 美国五角大楼报告歪曲了中国的军事现代化;散发了"中国威胁论"的理论;中国外交部长昨天说道.
- Analyst Pavel Felgenhauer notes that NATO does not pose a military threat to Russia but that its rulers fear the alliance for self-serving reasons. 分析家费尔根豪尔指出,北约对俄罗斯并不构成军事威胁,俄罗斯领导人对北约的忧虑是出于自身的理由。
- Papers Thursday observe in their signed commentaries that this is an undisguised military threat and premeditated preparations for a war against the DPRK. 协议星期四遵守其签署的评注,这是一个赤裸裸的军事威/胁,有预谋,准备对朝鲜的战争。
- As a military threat, the sight of enemy fighters taking the shape of a wine glass may not be much, but in showcasing style and finesse, the Italians delivered. 作为一种军事威胁,把战斗机的样子做成红酒杯的样子可能没什么作用,但是从陈列风格和飞行技巧来说,意大利人确实做的传神。
- For many Taiwanese the pandas are a nice gesture, but one that fails to address their main concern - the military threat from their more powerful neighbour. 对于许多台湾人来说大熊猫是一个很好的表示,但是他们最关心问题认为解决--来自其邻居的强大的军事威胁。
- Now that the Soviet Union is dead and buried, and Russia is no longer a military threat to the West, the cohesiveness of NATO is being put to a formidable test pending the looming American and British led war against Iraq. 苏联已经瓦解,俄国也没有能力对西方造成军事威胁, 美国和英国正积极准备攻打伊拉克,北约的团结却在这个时候面对了巨大的挑战。
- Rice denied that washington had a china "containment policy", but her language underscored differences with canberra which sees beijing more as an economic opportunity than a military threat. 虽然赖斯否认华盛顿对中国采取“遏制政策”,不过她的谈话显然与视中国为经济机会更甚于军事威胁的坎贝拉有所分歧。
- Majorities or pluralities in every country are at least “somewhat worried” that China could become a military threat to their country in the future (Vietnamese were not asked this question). 各个国家中的多数人至少“有些担心”中国在未来会成为他们国家的军事威胁(该问题在越南未被问及)。
- A military threat to the normal operations of civil airplanes not only violates international rules but is also an inhumane act that can never be justified, South Korean's foreign ministry said. 对民用飞机的正常运作一个军事威胁不仅违反国际规则而且也是不可能得到证明的一种不人道的行为;韩国外交部说.
- Western politicians are often apt to fabricate so-called "military threat" under the circumstance in which China's military threat simply doesn't exist or at most there are only potential problems. 西方政客们往往很容易在中国军事威胁根本不存在或者最多只是潜在问题的情况下捏造出所谓的“军事威胁”来。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- Taiwan is used to gain more initiative politically and strategic advantage militarily for America because undisguised military threat has been difficult to implement. 并以此问题为筹码在外交,政治上获取更大主动权,在军事上赢得战略优势(因为显然赤裸裸的军事威胁已经难以实行了)。
- The railway is under threat of closure. 那条铁路有停止运营的迹象。
- Germany began to excerpt diplomatic pressure with military threats to annex territories. 德国开始以军事威胁施加外交压力要求吞并领土。