- organization of military product purchase 军品采购机构
- military product purchase 军品采购
- For example, DCA's Stanvick noted, that different states have differing opinions on whether bomb detectors are military product. 举例说,DCAStanvick指出,不同的国家就炸弹探测器是否军用产品有不同的意见。
- The ideas of fine design was put forward in the process of military packaging design to coincide with the demands of military product protection. 提出从全面满足产品防护要求出发,将精细化设计理念贯穿到军品包装设计的各个环节之中。
- Between the monopolization and negotiation, the important incentive policy problem of government is how to encourage firm insisting R &D in the military product. 在垄断与谈判权力角力下,如何激励厂商持续从事军事产品研发,是政府重要国防产业政策之一。
- Price index number of agricultural product purchase 农产品收购价格指数
- AUTO MAINTENANCE + REPAIR(AMR for short)is one of the largest and the most important auto aftermarket showcases and products purchase platforms in China and Asia-pacific region. 作为一年两届的亚太地区最大的汽车后市场产品采购和技术交流平台,新一轮的全国汽车保修检测诊断设备(春、秋季)展览会组织工作已经正式启动。
- This is a very important principle,especially where military products are concerned. 这个问题很重要,特别是军工产品。
- Assess the quality of product purchased, contributions from suppliers and partners, and mutual benefits derived from the relationship. 评定采购产品的质量、供方和合作者的贡献以及通过合作而给双方带来的利益
- This problem merits special attention,since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- This is a very important principle, especially where military products are concerned. 这个问题很重要,特别是军工产品。
- Take charge of the product purchase, logistics for Russia Project; 负责公司俄罗斯项目的产品采购、物流;
- This problem merits special attention, since today military products mean modern weapons. 现在的军工产品是现代化的武器,更要注意这个问题。
- Our civil and military products have wined credit and support from our domestic customers and cooperative institutions. 所生产的军用及民用产品,在国内赢得了合作单位及广大用户的信任与支持。
- The workmanship of products purchased in this online store would be higher. 在这家网络商店所买的手工艺品可能会比较贵。
- As the administrative arm of the SACMPT,the State Bureau of Military Products Trade is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs. 国家军品贸易局是国家军品贸易管理委员会的办事机构,负责处理日常事务。
- The signed military export contract shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Military Products Trade for review and approval. 军品出口合同签订后,应当向国家军品贸易局申请审查批准;
- As the administrative arm of the SACMPT, the State Bureau of Military Products Trade is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs. 国家军品贸易局是国家军品贸易管理委员会的办事机构,负责处理日常事务。
- Trading Center Business Interests: Seeking to provide trading information regarding product purchasing and sales for Chinese companies by offering a large-scale E-business website. 美国国际贸易中心合作意向通过美国最大的电子商务网站,为中国公司提供全球采购和贸易信息,并做市场推广。
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。