- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厌倦了军事生活的约束
- I am used to the military life now. 我现在已惯与军队生活了。
- Military life will discipline these bad boys. 军旅生活会好好训导这些坏小子。
- The soldiers soon got tired of the constraint of military life. 士兵们很快厌倦了军事生活的约束。
- Our recent adventures have disgusted me with military life. 我们近来的冒险使我对戎马生涯感到厌倦。
- These men and women are carrying the burdens of military life far from home. 这些男人和女人带着军事生涯的重任远离家乡。
- Waterloo the battle is the most dark a day in the military life of Nepoleon. 滑铁卢战役是拿破仑军事生活中最黑暗的一天。
- They attest to the tomb owner's nostalgia for his past military life and show off his luxurious lifestyle. 车马俑进入墓葬,可能表现了墓主人对过去征战生活的怀恋以及对生前豪华生活的炫耀。
- Current and future military leaders will have here the opportunity -- so necessary in military life -- to pause and reflect on major issues of strategy and tactics. 现在和未来军队的领导人将有机会在这里脱产学习,认真思考战略和战术方面的重大问题。这对他们的军事生涯是十分重要的。
- For the chaplain to make a broader understanding of military life, usually assigned to the work of foreign troops. 为使随军牧师更广泛地了解军队生活,通常先分配到国外驻军工作。
- Finally, the five-day "ordeal" is over, I recall that the five-day military life. 终于,五天的“折磨”结束了,回想这五天的军训生活。
- Knowing how much occupied a military life is, everyone should be curious about his method. So, a journalist was sent to the army to find his solution. 知道了有多少时间要被军事所占用,大家都很好奇于他他的方法。因此,一个新闻记者被送到了军队去寻找他的解决办法。
- Recruits into the U.S. Marines have their heads shaved as part of their introduction to military life and are called'jarheads'as a result,though not to their faces. 海军士兵在刚开始军事生涯时会先把头发剃掉,由此 得到了“坛子头”这个外号,当然是背地里这样叫。
- From its birth, a fascist state like Hitler's builds its political and military life on taking the offensive, and once its offensive stops its very life stops too. 因为像希特勒这样法西斯国家的政治生命和军事生命,从它出生的一天起,就是建立在进攻上面的,进攻一完结,它的生命也就完结了。
- Butler's only consolation at this time was the romance of military life, to which he surrendered himself not only when on duty but also in his private life. 巴特勒的这个时候,唯一的安慰是爱情的军旅生涯中,他以自首,不仅值勤时也私生活。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- The young campers start the program with a good deal of curiosity and they spend a brief but memorable period of time in the garrison, getting a taste of military life. 年轻的营员们带着一股强烈的好奇心开始了这一活动。他们在守卫队里度过了短暂而值得会议的一段时间,感受了军队生活。
- Recruits into the U.S. Marines have their heads shaved as part of their introduction to military life and are called 'jarheads' as a result, though not to their faces. 海军士兵在刚开始军事生涯时会先把头发剃掉,由此得到了“坛子头”这个外号,当然是背地里这样叫。