- Our detachments took turns to harass them. 我们的一些小分队轮番骚扰他们。
- A source of harassment, annoyance, or pain. 使人痛苦的东西骚扰,烦恼或痛苦的来源
- The band played a military march. 乐队吹奏军队进行曲。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- The office has been humming with activity. 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
- The military has tightened its hold on the country. 军方加强了对这个国家的控制。
- We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 战争的威胁使经济萧条。
- He advocates reducing military spending. 他主张削减军费开支。
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相当热闹。
- The town was humming with activity. 该市镇生气勃勃,呈现一片热闹的景象。
- He is exempt from military service. 他免服兵役。
- He is, by report, a most able military scientist. 据说,他是一位很有才能的军事科学家。
- He was a military man to the core. 他是个地地道道的军人。
- Stamp collecting is my favorite activity. 集邮是我最喜爱的消遣。
- The country is under a military regime. 这个国家处于军人统治之下。
- The store was a scene of great activity. 这家商店顾客盈门。
- There is a report about a sexual harassment in the office on this newspaper. 今天的报纸上有一篇关于办公室里的性骚扰的报道。
- The people are oppressed by the military goverment. 人民受军政府的压迫。
- He once engaged in anti-government activity. 他一度从事反政府的活动。