- That is why Swinhoe's Pheasant, Mikado Pheasant and Yellow Tit are candidates for National Bird. 这就是为什麽帝雉、蓝腹鹇和黄山雀被遴选为台湾国鸟的候选鸟。
- The artist deployed both fine and freehand brushwork to portray a male Mikado pheasant on a slope in the national park. 作者兼用工笔及写意技法,表现国家公园一处微倾的坡地一只雄帝雉昂首挺胸,彷佛正在向雌雉炫耀牠的帝王之姿,形象生动传神。
- The four birds selected as candidates for Taiwan's National Bird, Mikado Pheasant, Swinhoe's Pheasant,* Yellow [Taiwan] Tit and Formosan Magpie, are endemic species. 四只被选为台湾国鸟的候选鸟,帝雉、蓝腹鹇、黄山雀和台湾蓝鹊,是台湾特有种。
- Syrmaticus mikado [Mikado pheasant] 黑长尾雉
- Mikado Pheasants inhabit coniferous and mixed-coniferous-broadleaf forests in middle and high elevations.They live amid dense shrubs and bamboo thickets in the forest understory. 分布于台湾中、高海拔山区之针叶林、针阔叶混合林带;
- The dog flushed a pheasant from the bushes. 那只狗把雉从灌木丛中惊起。
- Mikado pheasant 黑长尾雉
- We had roasted pheasant for dinner. 我们晚饭吃烤野鸡。
- A young fowl, especially a turkey, chicken, or pheasant. 幼禽年幼的家禽,尤指小火鸡、小鸡或小雉
- Australian bird with a tail like a pheasant. 尾巴象雉鸡的澳大利亚鸟。
- The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic. 日本天皇的权利是象征性的。
- The king banqueted on pheasant and wine. 国王奢侈的吃着鴙鸡和酒。
- A pheasant is a delicacy we seldom can enjoy. 野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的美味。
- A pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy. 野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。
- The dog flusheda pheasant from the bushes. 那只狗于雉从灌木丛中惊起。
- Pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy. 野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。
- Is a pleasant peasant's pheasant present? 是愉快的乡下人送的野鸡吗?
- Have you ever seen such a big pheasant? 你见过这么大的野雉吗?
- It should be pheasant Dao.I have a similar one. 应是雉刀,我有一把像的。
- ” Bird watchers and photographers all want to see them, however after visitors in Tataka started feeding them, Mikado Pheasants started to regularly appear. 不过,在塔塔加出现人为喂食后,帝雉稳定出现,站上新中横公路旁、海拔300公尺处的青苔巨石舞台,吸引了全台鸟友前往。