- migrant rural workers children 民工子弟
- children of migrant rural workers 留守儿童
- Migrant rural workers, as the main carriers of autochthonous culture, have broken away from the traditional way of living. 跨出传统共同体的农民工,作为当代“乡土文化”的主要载体,他们的生活出现了不同于其祖辈的方式。
- To citify the identities of migrant rural workers is unavoidably an integral part of sound urbanization, and also an essential part of socialism harmonious society. 摘要农民工市民化是城镇化健康发展的必然要求,也是构建和谐社会的重要内容。
- Goernments at all leels took the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers ery seriously, worked harder to resole it and achieed initial results. 各级政府重视解决拖欠农民工工资问题,加大了工作力度,取得初步成效。
- Self-close, inferiority, fuss, tension, loss of psychological balance, fear et al are the main influence factors to job-seeking behavior of migrant rural workers. 自我封闭、自卑、焦躁、紧张、心理失衡、畏难等心理是影响农民工就业行为的主要因素。
- Compared with those of last era, Cainozoic migrant rural workers have a characteristic transformation of their social network.They depend less on rural network but more on urban network. 与上一代农民工相比,新生代农民工的社会网络转型过程有其自身的特点,他们对乡土社会网络的依赖和借重程度大大降低,城市特征更为明显。
- new - generation migrant rural worker 新生代农民工
- the Female Migrant Rural Workers 女性农民工
- the Rights of the Migrant Rural Workers 农民工权益
- schools for rural workers' children 农民工子弟学校
- the pay of migrant rural workers 农民工工资
- the schools of rural workers' children 农民工子弟学校
- the returning migrant rural workers 返乡农民工
- Wage Arrears for Migrant Rural Workers Urgent to be Cleared Up 民工工资亟待清欠
- The problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers 拖欠农民工工资问题国有资产
- New Patterns of Infringements on the Migrant Rural Workers'Interest 对新时期侵害农民利益新形式的扫描
- Reviewing the Educational Problem of Migrating Rural Workers'Children 农民工子女教育问题的再审视
- Pilot Exploration on Formation of "Boundary Personality" of Rural Workers'Children 农民工子女"边际人格"形成初探
- A few days ago, two new students from Mianyang and Jiangyou of Sicuan province joined Suxi Huali School for Migrant Workers' Children. 日前,苏溪华立民工子弟学校来了两位新同学,他们分别来自四川的绵阳和江油。