- It has been really rare to see migrant birds here. 现在在这里看到候鸟已经很不容易了。
- And also an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. 也是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。
- The flight of migrant birds were being tracked by the scientists. 科学家们正在跟踪候鸟的迁徙。
- The Yalu River Wetlands Nature Reserve is an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. 鸭绿江湿地自然保护区是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。
- Also, springtime events like the arrival of migrant birds and the flowering of plants are happening about five and a half hours earlier each year. 此外,像候鸟的到来和植物的开花等春季的自然事件每年正在提前五天零半个小时。
- A bioscientist Hayashida finds out that Godzilla responds to the supersonic waves emitted from migrant birds. 于是出动超级火战机正面跟哥斯拉交锋。同时,林田博士亦发现了哥斯拉会受一种电波影响,并且会随它归巢。
- The Peng usually lives in North Sea. Only in June, when storms rise upon that sea, does it migrates to the South Sea as migrant birds do. 牠平时就在北海活动,只当六月海上起了风暴时,牠才会如候鸟般,迁移到南海。
- Some migrant birds, such as Bar-headed geese and Barhminy ducks, fly all the way across the Himalaya to over winter here in the desert sun. 像斑头鹰和斑嘴鸭这些候鸟飞越喜玛拉雅山,来到这个充满阳光的地方过冬。
- Excessive reclamation on Dongtan wetland not only affects the survival of the benthic fauna, but also damages the habitats and food source of migrant birds. 东滩湿地需要考虑合理的围垦,过度围垦不但直接破坏了底栖动物的生存,而且威胁到迁徙鸟类的食物来源和栖息地。
- Among the sorts of springtime events being changed by global warming are the timing of frog breeding, bird nesting, first flowerings, migrant bird and butterfly arrivals. 由于全球气温变暖而改变的春季事件还有青蛙产卵、鸟筑巢、次开花、候鸟及蝴蝶到来的时间。
- Cangzhou is located in the smooth littoral plain.Along the Bohai Bay, there is a large area of reed wetland, which has become a gathering place for over 200 kinds of migrant birds. 沧州是地势平坦的滨海平原,保持着良好的生态环境的多处湿地及硕大的苇海,是200多种候鸟的迁徙停留地。
- Swans are a migrant bird. 天鹅可是候鸟啊。
- It is an important place for study on protected migrants with two bird Banding stations and 265228 ringing migrant birds of 176 species. 有鸟类环志站两处,环志候鸟176种,265228只,是我国候鸟保护研究的重要基地。
- They are the migrant birds that came 它们是不远万里
- Having seen these migrant birds, 好;看完了候鸟
- A great number of migrant birds from the north 而且大量从北方过来的候鸟
- Migrant birds fly back for winter 侯鸟飞来过冬
- It has become a haven for migrant birds 就成了候鸟
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。