- More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries. 在所有癌症死亡中,有70%25以上发生在低收入和中等收入国家。
- Almost all of these deaths - 99% - are taking place in low and middle income countries. 几乎所有这些死亡,比例占99%25,发生在低等和中等收入国家。
- By 2005,through a series of incremental steps,reach an overall target of annual expenditures on the epidemic of between $ 7~10 billion in low and middle income countries. 到2005年,通过循序渐进地实施一系列措施,在中低收入国家中实现每年用于艾滋病方面的开支达到70亿美元至100亿美元的总体目标。
- 80% Of chronic disease deaths occur in low and middle income countries 80%25的慢性病死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家
- " odayToday, about 85percent % of the burden of promise chronic diseases is concentrated in low and in middle income countries, the implicants . “今天,大约85%25的慢性病集中在低或中等收入国家。
- " Today, about 85% of the burden of the desease chronic diseases is concentrate concentrated in low and middle income countries. “今天,大约有85%25的慢性病负担集中在中低收入的城市。
- odayToday, about 85percent % of the burden of promise chronic diseases is concentrated in low and in middle income countries, the implicants . “今天,大约85%25的慢性病集中在低或中等收入国家。
- Business people are also concerned about the income distribution of a market, i. E. The proportions of its rich, middle income and poor people. 商界人士也关注一个市场的收入分配状况,即富人、中等收入者和穷人的比例。
- The HOS and PSPS were introduced by the HKHA in 1978 and 1979 respectively, to assist low and middle income households to purchase homes at discounted prices. 房屋委员会在一九七八、一九七九年先后推出居屋计划及私人机构参建居屋计划,以折让价格出售居屋,协助中等及低入息家庭置业。
- The IBRD focuses on middle income and creditworthy poor countries, while IDA focuses on the poorest countries in the world. 国际复兴开发银行侧重帮助中等收入国家和信誉良好的贫困国家,而国际开发协会则侧重帮助世界上最贫困的国家。
- Findings confirm that stigmatizing attitudes vary widely from country to country with low income countries generally showing greater levels of social tolerance. 结果发现不同国家的公众态度差异很大,低收入国家显示有更大程度的社会接纳。
- The HOS and PSPS were introduced by the HKHA in 1978 and 1979 respectively,to assist low and middle income households to purchase homes at discounted prices. 房屋委员会在一九七八、一九七九年先后推出居屋计划及私人机构参建居屋计划,以折让价格出售居屋,协助中等及低入息家庭置业。
- At the same time, the World Bank President(president) said parly(partly) developed or middle income(middle-income) countries should not be forgotten in the fight against poverty. 同时,世界银行经理称部分发达或中等收入的国家在这场对抗贫穷的战斗中不能被遗忘。
- "If we look at per-capita health expenditure, in the low income countries, it is $22 per capita," said Boerma. “如果我们看看人均健康支出,低收入国家是人均22美元。
- The Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) and Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) were introduced by the HA in 1978 and 1979 respectively to assist low and middle income families to purchase homes at prices below market value. 房委会在一九七八及一九七九年先后推出居者有其屋计划(居屋计划)及私人机构参建居屋计划(私人参建计划),以协助中等及低入息的家庭,以低于市值的价格购买住宅单位。
- The country steered a middle course. 那个国家走了一条中间道路。
- Unlike the industrialised world, emerginglow income countries as a whole would not see their economies contract outright next year, the bank predicted. 世界银行预测说,不同于发达国家,新兴国家和低收入国家总体在明年不会立即经历经济缩水。
- However, many low income countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian subcontinent and in the Newly Independent States do not use the vaccine. 然而,位于亚撒哈拉非洲,印度次大陆和新独立地区的许多低收入国家没有使用疫苗。
- The Sandwich Class Housing Scheme,comprising a Main Scheme and a Loan Scheme and administered by the HKHS,was introduced in 1993 to help middle income families buy their own homes. 房屋协会由一九九三年开始推行夹心阶层住屋计划。这项计划包括一项主体计划和一项贷款计划,用以帮助中等入息的家庭自置居所。
- The Sandwich Class Housing Scheme,comprising a Main Scheme and a Loan Scheme and administered by the HKHS,was introduced in 1993 to help middle income families to buy their own homes. 房屋协会由一九九三年开始推行夹心阶层住屋计划。这项计划包括一项主体计划和一项贷款计划,目的是帮助中等入息家庭自置居所。