- middle section project 中线工程
- The large middle section of the sternum. 胸骨体胸骨很大的中间部分
- The middle section is the interesting one. 中间是有趣的一部分。
- They form the middle section of the anti-Japanese united front. 他们是抗日统一战线中的中间派。
- A middle section,especially the midriff of the human body. 中部,中间部分中间部分,尤指人体的上腹部
- The middle section or part of an object, especially when narrower than the rest. 物体的腰部物体的中间部位或部分,尤指比其余部分窄的部分
- A middle section, especially the midriff of the human body. 中部,中间部分中间部分,尤指人体的上腹部
- Its flared rear and slim middle section made the body resemble a wasp. 喇叭状的尾端设计和纤细的腹腰造型使车体看起来就像只大黄蜂。
- The middle section or part of an object,especially when narrower than the rest. 物体的腰部物体的中间部位或部分,尤指比其余部分窄的部分
- The middle section of a minuet or scherzo, a march, or of various dance forms. 三声中部小步舞曲或诙谐曲、进行曲的中间部分,或各种舞曲形式的中间部分
- Ignore the middle section with COUNT, RATE, AGE and PATTERN until later. 可以忽略的中间变量,在计算,率,年龄和图案,以后。
- For the latter are opposed to the growth of the progressive forces, while the middle section is sceptical. 因为对于发展进步势力,顽固派是反对的,中间派是怀疑的。
- The portion of the vertebrate brain that develops from the middle section of the embryonic brain. 中脑脊椎脑的一部分,由胚胎脑的中间部分发育而成
- In the middle section the "fixed idea" reappears in waltz time, introduced by flute and oboe. 在中部,长笛和双簧管用园舞曲的节奏再次引出了“固定乐思”。
- At times it should be in the middle section of the base area, as in our first counter-campaign in Kiangsi. 有时须在根据地的中部,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时。
- At times it should be in the middle section of the base area,as in our first counter-campaign in Kiangsi. 有时须在根据地的中部,例如江西第一次反“围剿”时。
- The middle section of the street will be a showcase of historical civilian residences. 路的中段将集中展现历史民居风貌。
- First Yuan Teh-sheng came and approved our plan to establish political power in the middle section of the Lohsiao mountain range. 第一次袁德生来,赞成罗霄山脉中段政权计划。
- A Record of Drought and Flood Series by Tree-Ring Data in the Middle Section of Qilian Mountain Since 904 A.D. 祁连山中部公元904年以来树木年轮记录的旱涝变化。
- Once a user selects a category, a list of business names falling under that category displays in the middle section. 一旦用户选择一个类别,企业名称的列表在所属类别的中间部分显示。