- Conclusion If a healthy puber or middle age individual had repeated pneumonia or respiratory failure, he may have risk of HIV/AIDS.To examine serum HIV antibody can reduce missed diagnosis. 结论对既往身体健康的青壮年,如反复发生肺炎或呼吸衰竭应警惕HIV/AIDS的可能,及时检查血抗HIV抗体,减小漏诊。
- middle aged individuals 中年人
- She didn't get married until she was well into middle age. 她步入中年以後才结婚。
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。
- A woman in the middle age comes in, and follows a crowd of child later. 一位中年妇女走进来,后面跟着一群孩子。
- Middle age dulled her appetite for travel. 中年的年龄使他的对旅行的欲望变得迟钝。
- That is middle aged for a mouse. 一岁对于老鼠是中年。
- Apoplexia most occur in middle aged people. 中风多数发生在中老年人当中。
- Europe suffered many plagues in the Middle Ages. 欧洲在中世纪屡屡遭受瘟疫。
- At the age of 40 a person has reached middle age. 人在四十岁时已到中年。
- Many men fill out when they approach middle age. 许多男人到了中年就发胖。
- Few of the adventurers lived beyond middle age. 能活到中年的冒险家为数很少。
- In the Middle Ages, philosophy and theology were inextricable. 在中世纪,哲学与神学是不分的。
- Oliver: Do you have The Waning of the Middle Age? 奥利弗:你们有没有《中世纪的衰亡》这本书?
- BACKGROUND: Persons with MCI and AD demonstrate cortical volume losses vs asymptomatic aged individuals, particularly in the hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex. 背景:有MCI和AD的患者和无症状的同龄个体相比显示,在海马区,杏仁区和内嗅皮质区有显著的皮质层缺损。
- How come everyone in our company is middle aged and stuffy? 为什么我们公司都是一些古板的中年人?
- Weeks seemed a man of middle age. 威克斯好像是位中年男子。
- At 40 a man has reached middle age. 到40岁,人已进入中年。
- We are the part on the edge of middle age. 我们是在中年的边缘。