- Image of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). 宇宙微波背景辐射。
- The Thomson scattering process ended, and the photons ceased interacting with matter so intensively, becoming the microwave background. 此时汤姆森散射程序结束,光子与物质的交互作用不再那麽强烈,因而形成微波背景。
- For their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. 大意是因为他们发现了宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体形式和各向异性。
- They had found the cool afterglow of the big bang: the cosmic microwave background radiation. 他们发现的是大霹雳冷却后的馀晖:宇宙微波背景辐射。
- Model of the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) by Prof M. 宇宙微波背景辐射功率谱模型。
- The high homogeneity and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years. 微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。
- During that time, the radiation diffused across short distance scales, smearing the fine print in the microwave background sky. 在这期间,辐射在短距离尺度上四处漫射,模糊了铭刻在微波背景天空上的细微印记。
- On otherwise, if neutral hydrogen content is very high, the refadiation from dust produces no effect on the 3K cosmic microwave background. 反之,如果中性氢的含量很高,则尘埃的再辐射将不可能使3K宇宙微波背景谱产生畸变。
- In addition, the cosmic microwave background has some anomalous features that could potentially be explained by large-scale inhomogeneity. 再加上宇宙微波背景有一些奇怪的特征也可能会用大尺度上的不均匀性来解释。
- They did not follow a straightforward path of development from the incipient matter clumping evident in the microwave background. 同样的道理也适用于星系,它们并不遵循在微波背景中,初始物质结块成团之后顺势发展的直接道路。
- After eliminating poop from roosting pigeons as the cause, they realized they’d discovered the cosmic microwave background, the Big Bang’s afterglow. 在排除了栖息的鸽子粪便是诱因后,他们了解到他们已经发现了宇宙微波的背景,那就是宇宙大爆炸的余晖。
- Observations of the microwave background radiation, for example, are now sensitive enough to detect the slight blurring caused by IGM material. 举例而言,对微波背景辐射的观测已灵敏到可侦测IGM物质所造成的轻微扰动。
- For examples, observation of the gravitational lens phenomenon and the scattering phenomenon produced by microwave background radiation and hot plasmas from galaxies clusters. 例如利用引力透镜现象及微波背景辐射与星系团的热等离子体造成的散射现象等等。
- The new measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation by the COBE satellite and the LEP experimental results support strongly the hot Big Bang model. COBE卫星对宇宙微波背景辐射的测量,LEP实验等,进一步支持了热大爆炸模型;
- String effects may possibly be first discovered in certain experiments in observational cosmology, such as the power spectrum measurements of the cosmic microwave background. 弦论中的非经典时空影响早期宇宙的发展;在一些观测宇宙学的实验中人们也许会发现弦论的效应;例如微波背景辐射的功率谱的反常.
- It was awarded for the discovery of the blackbody spectrum and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which strongly supports the big bang theory of cosmology. 这个奖授予宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体谱形和各向异性的发现;强有力地支持了大爆炸宇宙学.
- While conducting microwave antenna research at Bell Laboratories, Penzias and Wilson (1964) unexpectedly discovered the remnant 2.7K cosmic microwave background radiation. Penzias和Wilson(1964年)在贝尔试验室从事微波天线研究时意外地发现了2.;7K宇宙微波背景辐射
- The Nobel Prize in Physics goes to John Mather and George Smoot "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation. 2006年的诺贝尔物理学奖授予了美国科学家约翰?马瑟和乔治?斯穆特,以表彰他们发现了宇宙微波背景辐射的黑体形式和各向异性。
- The monotonous drop of temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation(CMBR) shows that the time of our expanding cosmic system can be discussed separating from the space. 宇宙微波背景辐射的温度单调下降表明,我们这个膨胀着的宇宙系统的时间可以与空间分开来讨论。 对宇宙密度和对背景辐射的多极矩的测量都表明,我们宇宙的空间是平直的。
- The big bang model is based on observations of expansion, the cosmic microwave background, the chemical composition of the universe and the clumping of matter. 大霹雳模型奠基于诸多的观测结果,如宇宙的膨胀、宇宙微波背景辐射、宇宙中的化学成份,以及物质聚集的情形等。