- microseism source location 微震源定位
- Meanwhile,mechanism of mining microseism source also is one of theoretical foundations for researching seismic events induced by mining. 根据完整岩石破裂机理,从刚度理论的角度论证了岩石动力破坏的理论条件;
- Property specifies an external source location for the client script contents. 属性指定客户端脚本内容的外部源位置。
- You need to use this parameter only if you change the source location. 仅当更改源位置时,才需要使用此参数。
- An interface that allows you to query the source string and source location within the containing compilation unit. 是一个允许您查询包含编译单元内的源代码字符串和源代码位置的接口。
- Cygnus x-3 is a binary X-ray source located at a distance of 10kpc. 天鹅座X-3是一个距离约10千秒差距的双重X射线源。
- Script element, specifying an external source location for the client script contents. 属性值,该值指定客户端脚本内容的外部源位置。
- Spot light is a cone shaped beam generated from the light source location, which is the tip of the cone, in a given direction. 聚光灯光线是产生于光源的圆锥形光柱,在一个给定的方向上,光源位于圆锥形顶点。
- These models assume that tracer properties do not change during transport and temporary storage between source location and downstream sampling sites. 该模型假设示踪标记的特征(组成、含量等)在输运过程中不发生变化。
- A Spot light is a cone shaped beam generated from the light source location, which is the tip of the cone, in a given direction. Spot Light Scheme. Should clarify this. 聚光灯光线是产生于光源的圆锥形光柱,在一个给定的方向上,光源位于圆锥形顶点。聚光灯方案应该明确这一点。
- By slowly and continuously moving the source location to the right, the image that is displayed on the screen in sphere appears to continuously slide to the left. 当前被选图像持续不断向右移动,显示在屏幕上的图像持续不断地向左移动。
- A Preliminary Research on Microseism Source Mechanism in Mines 矿山微震震源机制的初步研究
- It is useful to the measurement of transmitted time of sound wave in acoustic pyrometry and to the sound source location of 'four-tubes' leaking in boiler based on TDE. 不仅为声学测温中的声波飞渡时间测量提供了指导,而且对基于时延估计的锅炉四管爆漏声源定位有一定的参考价值。
- This paper focuses on the application of DISP-TRA as data collection system in acoustic emission source location and composite material damage detection. 主要讨论了DISP TRA作为数据采集系统在声发射源定位和复合材料损伤检测中的应用
- In this paper, the fire load and fire source location was discussed for subway fire based on the former research, arid the conclusions are drawn for the further research. 在综合前人研究的基础上,对地铁火灾场景中需要确定的火灾荷载和起火点位置进行了初步探讨,并给出了分析结果。
- GONG B,JIN ZH H, BAO R D,et al.Application of acoustic attenuation in abrupt acoustic emission source location \[J\].Pressure Vessel Technology,2005,22(6):13-14. [2]龚斌,金志浩,包日东,等.;压力容器上声发射源的新型定位方法\\[J\\]
- Picking the first arrival of microseismic (MS) wave is a frequently discussed issue in data processing, and also the most important basis of automatic source location. 摘要微地震(MS)波初始到时的自动拾取是MS监测数据处理的关键技术之一,也是实现MS震源自动定位的技术难点。
- This paper focuses on the application of DISP- TRA as data collection system in acoustic emission source location and composite material damage detection. 主 要讨论了DISP-TRA作为数据采集系统在声发射源定位和复合 材料损伤检测中的应用。
- When a sensor node reports a monitored object to base station by sending a series of messages through multiple hops, an adversary may trace back the source location. 在传感节点发送的一连串信息,经过多跳,向基站报告一个监控对象时,敌手可以反向追踪信息源的位置。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。