- microphone (麦克风)微音器
- 麦克风microphone
- 麦克风 - 将麦克风线(绿色)插入 Microphone 插孔Microphone - plug the microphone cord ( green ) into the microphone jack
- 麦克风 - 将麦克风线(绿色)插入 microphone 插孔Micdlehone - plug the microphone cord (green) into the microphone jack
- 带百叶窗的定向通风系统microphone单向送话器directioal louver ventilation system
- 他正在对着麦克风讲话。He is talking into a microphone.
- 讲台前安装了麦克风。Microphones were set up in front of the speaker's stand.
- 麦克风装在壁纸的背後。The mikes were bedded behind the wallpaper.
- 他充满柔情地对着麦克风唱流行歌曲。He crooned into the microphone.
- 把气吹入麦克风blew into the microphone
- 我手拿麦克风。I hold the mike.
- 从隔壁房间传入麦克风的声音。The microphone brought in the sounds from the room next to mine.
- 麦克风有电。The microphone is alive.
- 麦克风的支架调到了适宜讲话者的高度。The microphone stand is adjusted to the right height for the speaker.
- 单向性的麦克风A unidirectional microphone.
- 一副麦克风a battery of microphones
- 隐形话筒,窃听器如放在人身体上或建筑物上的不让外人看到的麦克风A hidden microphone, as on a person's body or in a building.
- 正使用的麦克风an open microphone.
- 可夹在口袋或衣襟上的小型麦克风lapel mike
- 演讲者通过麦克风说话。The lecturer speaks through a microphone.