- microinvasive surgical therapy 微创穿刺
- ObjectiveTo evaluate the surgical therapy for bleeding gastroesophageal varix. 目的探讨门静脉高压症并发出血的治疗方法。
- Objective To explore the values of ERCP in surgical therapy of biliary tracts. 摘要目的探讨ERCP在胆道外科治疗中的应用价值。
- Objective To explore the surgical therapy of substernal thyroid goiter. 目的探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿的外科手术治疗。
- Choice of surgical therapy for the pancreaticoduodenal region invaded by or involved in stomach carcinoma. 胃癌侵犯或累及胰十二指肠区域的手术治疗选择。
- Minimally invasive surgical therapy is recommended for the resection of benign submucosal tumors of the esophagus. 推荐采用最小侵入性手术疗法切除良性的食管黏膜下肿瘤。
- Pseudoaneurysm could he successfully cured after accurate diagnosis and proper surgical therapy. 假性动脉瘤正确诊断和及时治疗其预后良好。
- Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion is th e standard surgical therapy for invasive bladder cancer. 浸润性膀胱癌公认的标准治疗方案是行根治性膀胱切除加尿流改道。
- Since 1989,18 adolescent patients hospitalized w ith severe acute pancreatitishave undergone the surgical therapy. 对1989年以来收治的18例青年重症急性胰腺炎病人行手术治疗。
- Objective To investigate the etiology and comprehensive surgical therapy of the refractory calcanodynia. 目的探讨顽固性跟痛症的病因及综合性手术治疗。
- Discuss the diagnosis and choice of surgical therapy of vertebral eosinophilic granuloma. 摘要目的探讨脊柱嗜酸性肉芽肿的诊断及治疗方法的选择。
- To investigate the clinical characteristics of cyclic esotropia and to evaluate the effects of surgical therapy. 目的:通过对23例周期性内斜视的临床观察和手术治疗,了解周期性内斜视的临床性质和手术治疗效果。
- The precise localization of epileptogenic foci is the key factor for assessing clinical surgical therapy. 癫痫灶的准确定位是决定癫痫外科疗效的关键步骤。
- Objective To study the clinical effect of medical and surgical therapy for fungal keratitis. 摘要目的探讨深层板层角膜切除手术联合药物治疗真菌性角膜炎的临床疗效。
- Objective To explore the surgical therapy of acute ileus in colon carcinoma of old people. 摘要目的探讨老年人急性癌性大肠梗阻的外科手术治疗。
- Objective To study etiological factors of ingrowing toenail and introduce a new method of surgical therapy. 目的探讨趾嵌趾甲的病因,介绍一种新的手术治疗方法。
- Objective To investigate the etiology and curative effects of comprehensive surgical therapy of calcanodynia. 目的探讨跟痛症的病因及综合性手术治疗的疗效。
- Objectives To study the development of surgical therapy of acute suppurative cholangitis in recent 30 years. 目的了解急性化脓性胆管炎外科治疗30年来的变化情况。
- Objective To explore more effective surgical therapy of dissociated vertical divergence (DVD). 目的探索治疗分离性垂直斜视(DVD)的更有效的手术方法。
- To locate epileptogenic focus is an essential for surgical therapy of refractory epilepsy. 癫痫灶的定位是难治性癫痫手术治疗的前提,当前各种术前检测手段都有一定的不足。