- microcontroller host processor 主处理器单片机
- In ACF/TCAM,the process by which the host processor places a message on a line for transmission to a station. 在远程通信存取方法高级通信操作程序(ACF/TCAM)中,由主处理机把一个报文送到线路上,以便传输至某一个站的过程或处理方法。
- The computer uses a self-made 32 bit FPU as its host processor and a self-made MPP as its image processing coprocessor. 其宿主机为自行研制的32位浮点RISC芯片,图象协处理系统为自行研制的MPP协处理器。
- In ACF/TCAM, the process by which the host processor places a message on a line for transmission to a station. 在远程通信存取方法高级通信操作程序(ACF/TCAM)中,由主处理机把一个报文送到线路上,以便传输至某一个站的过程或处理方法。
- Instructions produced for the default processor may be outside the set of instructions understood by the host processor. 为默认处理器生成的指令可能超出主机处理器所能理解的指令集的范围。
- Furthermore, it may store essential data if a link or device on either the inboard (host processor) or outboard (terminal) side of it goes down. 此外,如果主处理机内侧或终端外侧的链路或设备失效,它还可存储重要的数据。
- In SNA, a network with one system services control point ( SSCP ). In another words, it' s a network with one host processor in which only one VTAM is running. 在系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,一种其中只有一个系统服务控制点(SSCP)的网络。换言之,单域网是一种只有一台主机的网络,在该主机中,只有一个正在运行的VTAM(IBM专用的联网通信软件)。
- You also need to know whether the JVM correctly determines host processor architecture so that the JIT compiler can produce the correct set of instructions for that architecture. 您还需要知道JVM能否确定主机处理器的体系结构,以使得JIT编译器可以为那个体系结构生成正确的指令集。
- Compared with the USB, the IEEE 1394 bus eliminates the bottleneck between a host processor and the EMS memory, and supports a date rate of 100 Mbps, 200 Mbps and 400 Mbps. 相比较于USB的传输特点,1394支持点到点的传输,支持400Mbps、200Mbps和100Mbps传输率,消除了主机处理器/内存瓶颈,具有可升级性、易扩展、即插即用、使用方便、成本低、速度高等特点。
- For the rather top grade DSPs,they all have an enhanced Host Processor Interface(HPI),it provides an advantage to realize the parallel communication between DSP and the other CPU. 对于较高档次的DSP,片内都提供了一个增强的主机接口(HPI),这为实现DSP与其它微处理器间实现并行通信提供了便利条件。
- The host port interface(HPI) are an 8-bit parallel port used to interface a host processor or device to the Texas Instruments(TI) digital signal processor(DSP). HPI是TI公司数字信号处理器(DSP)中用于和主机进行双向数据通信的8位并行接口,HPI使DSP与主机接口电路简单,不需要附加外部的接口逻辑。
- In ACF / VTAM, pertaining to a physical unit ( PU ) or logical unit ( LU ) that has an active physical path to the host processor containing the system services control point ( SSCP ) that controls the PU or LU. 在IBM通信系统软件ACF/VTAM中,用于修饰或说明物理单元(PU)或逻辑单元(LU),它们具有一个可用的物理通路,通向包含系统服务控制点(SSCP)的主处理机,而该SSCP负责控制这些PU或LU。
- We describe how SBATCH splits statements and produces schedule to execute on the host processor and the coprocessor simultaneously.The experimental results of this approach are also discussed. 我们将描述SBATCH系统如何切割陈述以及产生执行计画,并能充分发挥主处理器与协同处理器之效能,亦会讨论其实验结果。
- The network resources that are under the control of one or more associated host processors. 在一台或多台相关联的主机控制下的网络资源。
- The host then passed around a box of cigars. 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。
- Food processor is useful aids in prepare food. 食品加工机是制作食品时颇为实用的辅助机械。
- A host of friend meet him at the railroad station. 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
- The host team won the game by a nose. 主队以微弱优势赢得比赛。
- The host tell a joke to his guest to break the ice. 主人为了打破僵局,给客人讲了个笑话。
- A food processor comes in handy. 食品加工处理机用来十分便利