- This product combines excellent micro structural flexibility with very good coat ability because of dead burned Magnesia/low Chromite/Hercynite combination. 由于重烧镁砂和低铬铁矿/铁铝尖晶石的组合,该产品结合了优良的微结构弹性和良好的造窑皮能力的优点。
- Because of distinctive micro structure of nanometre materiasls,it was paid widely attention on its application fields. 由于纳米材料独特的显微结构,其应用范围已引起了人们的广泛关注。
- The micro structure of deposited metal is composed of martensite,residual austnesite and carbide hard phase. 堆焊层组织为马氏体+残余奥氏体+碳化物硬质相。
- The luster depend on the refractive index of all kind of mineral which consist of the rock, also depend on the micro structure of the stone surface. 光泽度的大小一方面取决于组成岩石的各种矿物的折射率的大小,另一方面与石材表面的微观结构密切相关。
- Reservior micro structure is a small subclass on the oilfield structure because of fine distinction of the layers depth. 储层微型构造是在总的油田构造背景上,储层顶底面的微细起伏变化所显示的小构造。
- The micro structure of iron based P/M oil impregnating antifrication materials includes pearlite, cementite and free graphite . 铁基粉末冶金含油减摩材料的显微组织为珠光体、渗碳体和游离石墨。
- The surface of table is flat, smoothly, as well as with the sucking device, with automatic snap-off structure device, so that there is not clearance when jiggling. 工作台表面平整、光滑、美观,并设有吹浮装置,确保玻璃片不被划伤,定位点可进行纵横方向调整,并可设计浮点定位和中心定位,配有自动机械同步离网装置,在微调时不会含有间隙出现。
- Macro and micro structure of the fractured steering knuckle arm was examined by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope. 采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对断裂转向节臂的宏、微观组织进行了分析。
- As compared with the MS structured device, the MOS device exhibits more perfect interface, because the oxide layer can effectively prevent the interdiffusion of Pd and GaAs. 研究结果显示,降低无电镀镀浴之组成:如整体镀浴浓度、前驱盐浓度、还原剂浓度等变因,均将使钯膜粒径减小,分布均匀。而所得元件之二极体电性愈佳。
- The basic condition of gradient liquid phase sintering, the micro structure and the poperty of coating bonding are discussed. 分析了喷涂层梯度液相烧结的基本条件,并观察了其显微组织及其结合性能。
- The testing results have shown that this soil has a unique micro structure property governing the swelling potential of the soil. 本文对南方膨胀土的微结构特性进行了实验研究,表明膨胀土具有其特殊的微结构特性,其决定着膨胀土的膨胀势。
- The phase behavior explicitly explained the relationship between micro structure of the microemulsion system and its composition and temperature. 笔者还用电导率对该微乳液体系的导电机理进行了较为深入的研究。
- At the same time we test the micro structure of fly-ash waste residue concrete congeal material and calculus, analyzing HPC mechanism tentatively. 同时也对掺粉煤灰等废渣混凝土的胶凝材料原料及结石作了微观结构测试,初步尝析了废渣高性能混凝土机制。
- The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use, but the character of the tone could not be varied save by mechanical or structural devices. 人们最喜欢用具备明快有力音调的拨弦古钢琴来配合当时小型管弦乐团的低音乐器以及在演奏会上演奏。 但它的音调难以变化,除非使用机械或构件装置。
- Hot embossing technology is used to manufacture high precision, high quality, and high aspect ratio of polymer micro structures. 热压成形技术可用以制造高精度、高品质、高深宽比之塑胶微结构。
- It pointed out that residual oil stagnated in the reservior micro structure is a hydrodynamic trip, we may use potential energy theory of Hubbert for exploration and jugement. 指出了储层微型构造存留剩余油是一种水动力圈闭,完全可以引用哈伯特势能理论来解释和判断,分析认为,在储层微型构造中油、水相势的方向和大小不同。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- It is has been indicated by the research work that bituminous coal fugitive constituent and micro structure of coke such as porosity, micromorphology of pore and specific surfac. 研究表明,烟煤的挥发分含量及其焦炭的微观结构(如孔隙率大小、气孔形貌和比表面积等)是影响反应系统内物质生成的关键因素。
- If took ten men to wrestle the device into place. 用了10个人才把那台装置挪动到位。