- micro force measure 微力检测
- Using Centrifugal Force Measure Quickly Weighing. 应用离心力测量的快速称重。
- Adjustment using direct force measurement. 使用直接测力法来调整。
- Because the NFM is the high grade of kinds of standard force machine, its capability will restrict the nicety of all force measure vocation. 同时力基准机是各种标准测力机中力值准确度最高的一种,它的各项性能指标决定了整个测力行业的准确度。
- The force measuring unit works on the hydraulic principle. 力测量单元是基于液压原理工作的。
- The Micro Force Sensor for Micro Friction Testing 微摩擦测试的微力传感器设计
- Difference between end value and start value of a force measuring range. 测量范围的终值与初始值之间的差值。
- Single molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) is a force measurement based on AFM. 单分子力谱是基于原子力显微镜力的测量方法。
- That is a forceful measure, never used before, and Mr Ozawa threatens an upper-house censure. 这是从没有被使用过的强硬手段,小泽威胁说若如此将使上议院发起不信任决意。
- Analvsis of stress and stiffness of the treadling force measurement device by F. E. M. 运动员脚蹬力测定装置的强、刚度分析。
- Manufactured to fit - accurate and reliable force measurement in extremely difficult environments. 来满足-实现极端困难环境下精确可靠的力测量。
- Thin-film sensors are ideally suited to force measurement in complex geometries. 薄膜传感器是复杂几何形状的结构中测量力度的理想选择。
- The hydraulic force measuring devices are exclusively intended for measuring static chucking force at rotating chucks. 液压测力仪是专为测量旋转卡盘中静态夹紧力设计的。
- This article deals with the principle and method of the making of the pressductor on a force measuring device. 本文介绍压磁式测力传感器的制作原理和方法。
- Existing AFMs, however, have limited resolution because the force measurements must be averaged over time. 不过,现存AFM的解析度很有限,因为测得的作用力必须除以时间来求平均值。
- The door may be supported in a horizontal plane during the pull force measurement test. 在拉力测量期间,可以在水平面内对门进行支承。
- Some have been produced artificially through some extremely forceful measures. 一些已经通过一些有力的措施人工制造。
- How fast does the new micro process the data? 这新微型计算机处理数据有多快?
- Bearing in mind the life of the force measuring unit a force measuring unit with a somewhat larger working range should be chosen. 请记住适用范围较大的测力单元将是更好的选择。
- European standard EN 1550 prescribes the use of static chucking force measuring devices in order to make the chucking and chip removal processes safe. 欧洲EN 1550标准对使用静态夹紧力测量仪测量自动定心卡盘做出了规定,保证夹紧状态和切屑清除过程的安全。