- methane chloride products 甲烷氯化物
- Discussion on factors influencing use ratio of methanol in methane chloride production 一氯甲烷生产中影响甲醇利用率因素的探讨
- Products such as methane chloride, gourmet powder, sorbierite, rutile, freon and benzene series were mostly produced in the east plant compound. 东厂区主要生产甲烷氯化物、味精、山梨醇、金红石、氟里昂和苯系物等产品。
- Methane chloride is the general name of four chlorine hydrocarbon products--hloromethane (methyl chloride), dichloromethane, trichloromethane (chloroform), and CI carbon tetrachloride. 甲烷氯化物是包括一氯甲烷(氯甲烷)、二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷(氯仿)、四氯化碳四种CI氯烃氯产品的总称。
- The construction scale of methane chloridate is 80,000 ton/year. 本项目确定甲烷氯化物装置建设规模为8万吨/年。
- The acyl chloride product was fluorinated by potassium fluoride and esterified by methanol to synthesize dimethyl tetrafluoroterephthalate. 以氟化钾为氟化剂,环丁砜为溶剂置换氟化,再与甲醇酯化得到四氟对苯二甲酸甲酯;
- COMPOSITION: It is complex petroleum derivative products mixture, Mixed with Fatty group, cyclanes, carbon combined with chloride products organic solvent. 组成信息: 这是一种由石油衍生的复杂混合物;脂肪族;环烷烃碳氯化合物的有机溶剂。
- Synopsis on the new methane chloride installation 新建甲烷氯化物装置简介
- The market prospect is great.The construction scale of methane chloridate is 80,000 ton/year. 本项目确定甲烷氯化物装置建设规模为8万吨/年。
- A high-quality and high-yield tricyclohexyltin chloride product was obtained via alkylation between the Grignard reagent and the complexes formed by the reaction of tin tetrachloride and appropriate ethers. 先将四氯化锡与适量醚类化合物形成配合物,再与格氏试剂发生交换反应,可得到高品质和较高收率的三环己基氯化锡产品。
- The Project produces methane chloridate taking methane as the major material and applying methanol hydrochlorinate method. 该项目以甲醇为主要原料,采用甲醇氢氯化法生产甲烷氯化物,产品市场潜力大。
- The Project produces methane chloridate taking methane as the major material and applying methanol hydrochlorinate method.The market prospect is great. 该项目以甲醇为主要原料,采用甲醇氢氯化法生产甲烷氯化物,产品市场潜力大。
- It is indicated that the overall technologies of thionyl chloride production should be improved in our country. 提出我国尚需提高氯化亚砜生产装置的整体科技水平。
- The status of VCM and acetylene gas recovery by pressure swing adsorption in vinyl chloride production units were introduced. 介绍了在氯乙烯生产装置中,采用变压吸附工艺回收精馏尾气中的VCM和乙炔气的情况。
- The development status of vinyl chloride production by means of ethylene oxychlorination, innovations of new design ideas for unit was introduced. 介绍了采用乙烯氧氯化法制氯乙烯工艺的开发情况以及采用新的设计理念对单元设备的改造情况。
- The process selection in hydrogen chloride production was introduced, as well as the improvement of this process and units in the course of design and installation. 介绍了氯化氢生产的工艺路线选择及在采用二合一炉法的设计安装过程中对工艺流程设备、仪表等的改进内容。
- Wastewater from O,O diethyl thiophosphoryl chloride production is treated by hydrolysis, calcium precipitation andbiochemistry.Processes and conditions are explored. 介绍水解-沉钙-生化法处理O,O-二乙基硫代磷酰氯生产的废水,摸索了工艺流程及工艺条件。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- According to the existing problem in vinyl chloride production process, the differences between domestic and abroad were analysed. The basic status of advanced process from abroad was also introduced. 针对国内氯乙烯生产工艺存在的主要问题,分析了与国外先进工艺的主要差距,介绍了引进的国外先进工艺的基本情况。
- Preparation and Application of Isocyanuric Acid Chloride Products 氯代异氰脲酸类产品的制备和应用