- In this connection I remember a proverb. 在这一方面我记得有一句谚语。
- She is a proverb for inaccuracy. 她做事马虎是出了名的。
- meteorologic proverbs 气象谚语
- He likes to quote proverbs in his compositions. 他喜欢在作文中引用谚语。
- "Haste makes waste" is a proverb. "欲速则不达"是一句谚语。
- Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world. 你帮我,我帮你——这是举世皆知的一句谚语。
- That proverb is apposite to this case. 那谚语切合于这个情形。
- The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。
- An ocean-based meteorologic instrument. 2. 图1:位于小琉球观测站的自动测波仪。
- The businessman is a proverb for meanness. 那个商人因行为卑鄙而恶名远扬。
- His conversation was larded with Russian proverbs. 他的谈话夹杂了很多俄国谚语。
- Wise men make proverb and fool repeat them. 智者造谚语,愚人来效仿。
- Here are some proverbs about money. 有几个关于钱的格言。
- Sheep Proverbs and Sayings loading. 与羊相关的英语短语和谚语。
- Do you know any English proverbs? 你知道哪些英文格言?
- Dog Proverbs and Sayings He is a lucky dog. 与狗相关的英语谚语和短语。
- Proverbs Home is where the heart is. 心在哪里,那里就是家。
- Philosophic concepts in Chinese proverbs. 汉语谚语所含思想观念研究。
- Dictionary of classified American proverbs with. 美国谚语词典。
- Zhouzhu is the oldest book of proverbs in Chinese. 确认《周祝》是一篇最早的格言体文章。