- Metal binding peptide 金属结合肽
- In order to electrolyze dressing grinding wheel of metal binding agent, the elec trolytic grinding fluid is developed. 为了对金属结合剂砂轮电解修整,研究并配制了电解磨削液。
- Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the compound of cell binding peptide P-6 and anorganic bovine-derived bone mineral (ABM) in the repair of bone defects. 目的 :研究细胞结合肽 (P - 6肽 )与无机骨粒 (ABM)复合物在骨缺损修复中的作用。
- Metallothionein is a kind of metal binding proteins that widely exist in the whole biosphere.The study about MT is valued in all field in recent yeas because its function is unique. 金属硫蛋白(MT)是一类广泛存在于生物界的金属结合蛋白,因其功能独特,近年来对MT的研究日益受到重视。
- In the actual system, the grinding wheel of metal binding agent is electrolytically dressed with the determined optimum elec trolytic grinding fluid and the satisfied dressing result is obtained. 确定最佳电解磨削液在实际系统中对金属结合剂砂轮进行电解修整得到了较为满意的修整结果。
- hepatocarcinoma-specific binding peptide 蜂毒肽
- tumor necrosis factor-α binding peptide 肿瘤坏死因子结合肽
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了。
- The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs. 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。
- Aluminum is a kind of light silvery metal. 铝是一种轻薄并呈银色的金属。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- " His shaking finger indicated a bit of crimped, rusty metal bound into the sword haft with golden wire. 他颤抖的手指指着剑柄上,镶着金丝的起皱的生锈的金属。
- The metal frame tends to twist under pressure. 这种金属框受压後容易变形。
- The ship was broken up for scrap metal. 这艘船拆毁了当废铁用。
- Being heated, the metal is rapidly melting. 由于受热,金属在迅速熔化。
- The metal has corroded (away) because of rust. 该金属已锈蚀。
- You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. 切割金属需用强劲的锯。