- metal frames radome 金属桁架天线罩
- The metal frame tends to twist under pressure. 这种金属框受压後容易变形。
- A modern tent has cloth walls over a metal frame. 现代帐篷都是在金属架上盖布做墙。
- A modern tent has colth walls over a metal frame. 现代帐篷都是金属架上盖布做墙。
- The metal frame tends to twistunder pressure. 这种金属框受压後容易变形。
- A metal frame supporting equipment used in outdoor play. 金属支架:用来安装室外运动器具的金属支架。
- Make BOMs of seat metal frame system assemblies and sub assemblies. 制作座椅金属骨架总成及分总成的BOM表.
- Our major products are jewellery boxes, metal frames, all kinds of Decoration. 我们主要产品是珠宝盒,金属相框,各种摆件。
- A metal frame with a spike or spikes, attached to a shoe or boot to prevent slipping, especially on ice. 防滑铁齿板一种绑在鞋下或靴子下防滑用的带铁齿的金属板,尤指在冰上
- An inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track. 安在机车的前部用以清除轨道上的障碍物的一种金属架。
- One of a pair of circular wooden or metal frames used to hold material taut for embroidery or similar needlework. 绣花箍一对环形的木制或金属架,用作在做刺绣或类似针线活时把材料绷紧
- The beam keeps the net open horizontally while metal frames on each end of the beam keep the net open vertically. 当在光线的每个末端上的金属制的体格垂直地使净馀人保持开放的时候,光线水平地使净馀人保持开放的。
- On the construction site in Jiangyou, local farmers earn $9 or $10 a day hauling windows and bolting down metal frames. 在江油的建筑工地上,当地农民搬运门窗、安装金属框架一天可以挣60-70元人民币。
- Their striking metal frames are smart and comfortable, while the UV coated lenses protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun. 其惹眼的金属框架高雅舒适,而防紫外线镜片则保护眼睛免受阳光的侵害。
- Sand Balsting and Painting on Various Types of Construction Material, Such as Metal Frames, Bridge Steels, Tanks, Pipes, and Railings. 各类钢构,桥梁,桶槽,管阀,格栅板之喷砂涂装,重防蚀
- The distant backgrounds of the figures frozen in his paintings are constricted by solid metal frames, and we can see the significance of this paradigm set up by the artist. 画面里凝结的人物形象与幽远背景,被结实的金属边缘框限起来,可见艺术家为其树立典范的意味。
- A metal frame or container holding cartridges,can be inserted into an automatic gun. 用来存弹药的金属结构或容器,能够插入自动火炮。
- Chase A rectangular metal frame in which type and blocks are locked up for letterpress printing or stereotyping. 活版印刷制铅铸版时把铅字和版块锁稳的矩形金属框。
- If closed, the Wall will choose to use light-brick, red brick or metal frame and plaster board several materials. 如果全封,就要砌墙,选择用轻体砖、红砖或者轻钢龙骨加石膏板等几种材料。
- A strong, taut sheet, usually of canvas, attached with springs to a metal frame and used for gymnastic springing and tumbling. 蹦床一张通常由帆布制的结实坚韧的床布,和弹簧一起连接在金属框架上,用于体操跳跃及翻滚