- The auxiliary buses are normally composed of metal clad switchgear. 厂用母线由铠装开关装置组成。
- The characteristics and status quo on domestic and foreign metal clad sheet were briefly enumerated. 简要列举了复合钢板的主要特性以及国内外复合钢板的现状。
- Similarly, the cantilevered canopies of metal clad steel structure and fritted pattern glass merge the wave forms into a series of repeating flowing elements. 悬臂式天蓬采用金属复合钢结构,结合带烧结图案的玻璃,使整栋建筑的波浪形态融汇成一组流动不息的动感元素。
- This piece of handicraft has metal cladding on its surface. 这件工艺品的表面有金属镀层。
- Current Applications of Metal Clad Plate 浅析金属层压复合材料的应用现状
- Standard Specification for Reactive and Refractory Metal Clad Plate 活性和难溶金属复合板标准规范
- Current Development Condition of Process of Metal Clad Plate 金属复合板生产方法的发展现状
- Current State and Trend of Metal Clad Sheet Manufacture Technology 金属复合板的工艺研究现状与发展
- Specification for Thin Metal Clad Base Materials for Multilayer Printed Boards 多层印制板金属基底覆以其他金属薄层的技术要求
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?
- Diode Laser for metallic claddings and welding of steel, aluminium and polymers. 用于金属覆层以及钢材、铝材和聚合物焊接的二极管激光器。
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了。
- The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs. 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。
- In double metal cladding waveguides, the separation and degeneration of TM 0 and TM 1 modes will appear as the thickness of guiding layer increases, this may confuse the judgement of mode orders in attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectrum. 在双面金属包覆介质波导中 ,随着介质层厚度的变化 ,会出现TM0 模与TM1 模的分离和简并两种状态 ,从而影响衰减全反射 (ATR)谱中模序数的确认。
- Aluminum is a kind of light silvery metal. 铝是一种轻薄并呈银色的金属。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- In this paper are introduced and discussed the ways and study results of metallizing cladding onto diamond to raise diamond tool's working effect. 介绍与论述了提高金刚石工具使用效果的金刚石表面金属化方法及研究成果。
- Based on the attenuated total reflection (ATR) effect of symmetrical metal cladding waveguide, measurement technique of the displacement and the wavelength monitoring method have been proposed. 基于双面金属包覆波导的衰减全反射(ATR)效应,本文提出了位移测量和波长检测的新方法,并分析了波导的不平行度如何影响ATR谱以及双面金属包覆波导传感器的灵敏度。