- A biography is a form of narration. 传记是一种记叙文。
- The bare narration of the fact took two hours. 仅仅叙述事实就花了两个小时。
- He made a clear narration of the incident. 他对事件作了清楚的解说。
- A very detailed account or report of something; a narration. 描述对某事物极某详细的述说或报道; 叙述
- Alas, Meta never even saw our apartment. 可惜阿梅竟从来没有看见过我们的住处。
- Don't spool to enhanced meta files. 对高级的媒体文件不假脱机。
- This novel uses the first person in narration. 这部小说采用了第一人称叙述的方法。
- Think meta cognitively about your business. 你觉得梅塔视觉业务。
- You can also define custom meta variables. 您还可以定义自定义元变量。
- Mention your keywords inside the meta tags. 梅塔内提你主题词标识。
- He has recorded the narration for the production. 他录制了这部作品的解说词。
- Add repeated key word in the META tag. 在语法标签增加关键字出现次数.
- The Bare narration of the facty ook two hours. 单是这事实的叙述就花了两小时。
- META elects academicians every two years. META每两年将举行增选院士工作。
- Rename audio files based on their meta info. 根据元信息重命名音频文件。
- I need some good pictures for narration. 我需要一些叙述时用的好镜头。
- Frank Vigneron, in “Meditation and Narration. Contemporary Ink Exhibition 冥想与叙事。
- Her narration tugged at my heartstrings. 她的诉说叩击着我的心弦。
- The narration is from abstraction to concretion. 方法主要是从抽象到具体的叙述方法。
- Too many data bases out there never implement a meta tag strategy. 太多的数据库并不能让你的元标签发挥功效。