- Message Signal Units (MSU) - transport user information received from the SCCP, ISUP or the MTP 3 layers. 消息信令单元(msu)--传输从sccp、isup或mtp第3层收到的用户信息。
- MSU (Message Signal Unit) MSU(消息信令单元)
- Message Signal Unit (MSU) 消息信号单元
- message signal unit 消息信号单元
- Message Signal Units (MSU) - transport user information received from the SCCP,ISUP or the MTP 3 layers 消息信令单元 (MSU) -- 传输从 SCCP、ISUP 或 MTP 第 3 层收到的用户信息
- Signal unit error detection and correction - discards detected erroneous message and requests a re-transmission. 信令单元错误检测和校正 -- 废弃检测到的出错消息并请求重新传输。
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary flags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界 -- 插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- TCAP messages are contained within the SCCP message signal units, and are made up of two sublayers which work together: TCAP 消息包含在 SCCP 消息信令单元中,并由两个一同运行的子层组成:
- message signaling unit 消息信令单元
- Signal unit delimitation - inserts binary 襢lags?to delimit (separate) messages. 信令单元定界--插入二进制的"标志"定界(分隔)消息。
- Trainees are drawn from infantry, engineers, and signal units. 士兵都是从步兵、工兵和通信兵里面选拔。
- Signal unit initial alignment - invokes initial alignment prior to activating or restoring a signaling link. 信令单元初始定位 -- 在激活或恢复信令链路之前调用初始定位。
- At last,an example of IF unit of radar echo generator system based on DDS is presented.This signal unit can generate radar IF echoes including general pulse,LFM,NLFM,PSK. 最后给出了一个基于DDS的雷达多目标模拟系统中频单元的设计实例,该单元可以灵活生成包括常规脉冲、线性调频、非线性调频、相位编码在内的雷达中频回波信号,为被试雷达提供较为全面的测试环境。
- However, UDT is indeed optimized for bulk data, and it may not have any better performance for message signaling applications. 可是,UDT的确为巨大的数据做过优化,并且它对基于消息信号的应用不会有任何性能上的提升。
- The coded message was indecipherable. 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。
- There are three different types of signal units differentiated by the value contained in the Link Indicator field. 有三种不同的信令单元链路,可根据指示器字段所含的值进行区分。
- The neurons are the dynamically polarized cells that serve as the major signaling unit of the nervous system. 神经元是动态极化的细胞,并且是神经系统中的主要信号物质。
- These signal units are used to bring a link up or down and verify that it is working correctly. 这些信令单元用于建立或撤消某个链路并验证链路是否正常工作。
- She panted out the urgent message. 她气喘吁吁地讲出这个紧急口信。
- MTP Level 2 messages are placed into the MTP Level 2 signal units for transport across the link. MTP 第2级的消息会放置在MTP 第2级的"信令单元"中以便在链路上传输。