- On this tumultuous descent, streams merge and tributaries unite. 喧嚣下,百川并纳,支流汇合。
- merge and acquire 并购
- We'll make experiments at selected points and acquire experience. 我们将选择试点进行实验并取得经验。
- Go into beta testing and acquire final client approval. 进入到版本测试阶段,以获得客户的最终的确认。
- Work with PDF documents to scan, annotate, fill forms, split, merge and more. 有PDF的工作记录扫描,注解,填写表格,裂口,合并并且更多的。
- To its state before the merge and nullifying all previous merge operations. 还原到合并之前的状态,并使以前的所有合并操作无效。
- Will the browser and Windows and all that good stuff merge and become one? 将会浏览器和窗口和所有的那种好的东西合并而且变成一?
- She sought out and acquired all his early paintings. 她找到并获得了他早期画的所有的画儿。
- Railways form sensuous braids that merge and swell through the grid. 而铁路就恰如充满美感的与这些网格交错的发丝。
- On Reshuffling of Merged and Acquired Enterprises 企业并购后的整合
- merging and acquiring of enterprises 企业并购
- Their to with the road beg, and acquired. 他们的所向和所求,以及获得的道路。
- the merging and acquirement of foreign investors 外资并购
- Shows how to use the Merge Cells, Merge Across, and Merge and Center commands. 显示如何使用“合并单元格”、“跨越合并”以及“合并及居中”命令。
- It can also merge and split single and multipage tiff images files to pdf. 它也可以合并和分离单一和多页的TIFF图像文件到PDF 。
- Work your pirate fame up and acquire you own upgradeable island hideout. 提升海盗名声,从而获取可以升级的岛屿要塞.
- The choice will be to merge and become big enough to compete, or to downsize. 选择成为有竞争力的大型学校还是随时可能被被市场击倒的小院校。
- We should study hard and acquire more knowledge under the cover of still young. 趁着现在还年轻,我们必须刻苦学习,获得更多的知识。
- Taking the advantage of young,we must work hard and acquire greater know ledge. 趁着现在还年轻,我们必须刻苦学习,获得更多的知识。
- She has mastered english grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher. 她在没有老师指导的情况下,掌握了英文文法,学到了大量字汇。