- Choice a xenon arc lamp, it uses air-cooled, full-spectrum, 2000W. Recommends replacing lamp every 1500 testing hours. 选用1只美国原装进口风冷式氙灯光源;功率2000W;建议试验时间达1500小时后进行更换.
- The thermal oxidation, photo-oxidation properties of PE-LLD with or without the complex were studied using TG, xenon arc lamp, and IR. 研究表明,该铕配合物对PE-LLD的光氧化过程有明显的阻滞作用,而对其热氧化过程则有加速作用,对材料老化性能总的影响取决于二者的综合。
- Xenon weather-ometer is a weathering test equipment with xenon arc lamp,but there are not calibration Specifications and measuring instruments in dom estic. 氙灯试验箱是采用氙弧灯光源的气候老化试验设备,国内还没有相应的校准规范及合适的测量仪器。
- xenon arc lamp artificial aging- accelerated 氙灯人工加速老化
- Test methods for colour fastness to xenon arc lamp light 氙弧灯光色牢度的试验方法
- Plastics--Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources (xenon arc lamp) GB/T9344-1988塑料氙灯光源曝露试验方法
- testing methods for colour fastness to light : xenon arc lamp method 纺织品色牢度试验 - 高温耐光色牢度: 氙弧
- Xenon Arc Lamps and Light Filters 氙灯灯管及滤光片
- testing method for colorfastness of dyed goods to accelerated weathering :xenon arc lamp method 纺织品耐气候色牢度试验 : 氙弧
- Feasibility Study on the Substitution Xenon Arc Lamp for Carbon Arc Lamp in Light Acceleration Weathering Test 光老化处理中氙弧灯替代碳弧灯的可行性研究
- The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp. 碳精棒常用于电弧灯。
- Light from a mercury arc lamp will produce fringes over a range of one or two centimeters. 汞灯泡发出的光产生一到二厘米范围以上的条纹。
- high-pressure xenon arc lamp 高压氙弧光灯
- artificial xenon arc lamp aging 人工加速氙灯老化
- xenon arc lamp 氙弧灯
- The available ignition circuit for large power xenon short arc lamp is improved to match direct low voltage supply and the new igniter can be used with DC power on board. 为了使大功率短弧氙灯能在低压直流供电的情况下顺利点燃,对现有触发电路进行了改进设计,使其适用于低压直流电源。
- The arc lamp is very useful in movie shooting, and screening. 弧光灯在电影拍摄和放映的过程中有很大的用处。
- Arc lamps require a current-limiting ballast. 弧光灯需要一个限流镇流器。
- Infrared: Nonvisible, long wavelength radiation from a carbon or xenon arc that contributes to the heating of the film and equipment. 红外线:从碳弧灯或氙弧发出的不可见的、长波长的辐射,它对胶片和设备传送热量。
- High pressure mercury vapor arc lamp 高压水银蒸汽弧光灯