- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。
- A building for commercial occupancy. 对进行商业使用的建筑
- The house is nowhere near ready for occupancy. 房屋尚待装修,迁入居住还早着呢。
- mercantile occupancy 商业用房
- First Mercantile American Bank was solvent. 美利坚第一商业银行具有偿付能力。
- A large, unadorned building used for temporary occupancy. 临时工房用于暂时居住的简陋的大房子
- A celebration of the occupancy of a new home. 庆祝迁入新居的宴会
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange Holdings Inc. 芝加哥商业交易所。
- Brazilian Mercantile and Futures Exchange, BMF S.A. 巴西商品期货交易所。
- This is the minimum rate for a single occupancy. 这是单人房的最低价钱。
- The mercantile North was forging ahead. 进行贸易的北方正在逐步领先。
- The occupancy for each show fell 4 percent. 每场电影的上座率降低了4%25。
- The occupancy for that show fell four percent. 那场演出的上座率下跌了4%25。
- Prices are based on full occupancy of an apartment. 公寓租金按全层住用为基础计算。
- It's available fro immediate occupancy. 随时可以入住。
- During her occupancy the garden was transformed. 在她居住期间花园改观了。
- The occupancy rate of the hotel is very low. 这家旅馆客房入住率很低。
- How about the occupancy rate recently? 最近的住房率如何?
- A member of the mercantile class of a medieval European city. 中产阶级富裕殷实的公民中世纪欧洲城市的商业阶层成员
- High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lane? 高乘载车道?