- With the regard as the mental state health, the mental state test that use to assess the tester's mental state health condition are seep through every trade that society live. 随着人们对心理健康的重视, 用于评定测试者的心理健康状况的心理测试已渗透到社会生活的方方面面、各行各业。
- The mental state health of the modern home education and teenager 现代家庭教育与青少年的心理健康
- Next University Student in Network Environment Mental State Health Problem and Counterplan Study 网络环境下大学生心理健康问题及对策探讨
- The mental state health 心理健康
- We describe the mental state of Agent by BDI model. 用BDI模型来描述Agent的思维状态。
- It is typically a very positive mental state. 它常代表一种很积极的精神状态。
- mental state health 心理健康
- mental state health education 心理健康教育
- A disorder or abnormal alteration in one's mental state. 心理失常,精神迷乱在心理状态上的紊乱或非正常的改变
- It was a severe setback to her recently pleased mental state. 这次打击使她刚才还兴冲冲的情绪受到严重挫伤。
- And your own mental state, how would you describe it at the moment? 那您如何描述您当前的精神状态?
- A feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state. 感觉是一种简单而又不可分解的精神状态。
- State health laws prohibit butchering an animal inside a restaurant. 州卫生法禁止在餐厅内屠宰动物。
- An abnormal condition or mental state characterized by hallucination. 幻觉症一种不正常的状态或精神状态,以产生幻觉为其特点
- Have you ever noticed how sorrow (which is entirely a mental state) will depress and devitalize you, regardless of any amount of exercise or health foods you may take? 你还可曾注意到悲伤(这也是一种精神状态)是如何将你击垮使你萎靡不振的吗?“悲伤到来时,不论你做什么运动吃什么补品都于事无补。”)
- The health resources refer to the total factors and conditions that can promote the intactness of a person's physiology, mental state and adaptation to society. 健康资源是指所有能促进人的生理、心理和社会认同感等方面完好的各种因素和条件的总和。
- Methods Adopting the established questionnaire form,inquiring the mental state,health need and health knowledge understanding level of out-patient service 200 tubercles patients. 方法采用自设问卷形式,调查门诊200例结核病患者的心理状态、健康需求及其对健康知识的了解情况。
- It might have been due to his mental state, to depression and fatigue. 大概是由于精神状态,由于忧郁和疲劳所致。
- He filed the suit when the state health insurance system refused his claim for a 440 euro ($530) toupee. 该男子提出告诉,因为政府健保系统拒绝给付他所提出价值四百四十欧元(五百三十美元)的假发费用。
- Being appear by tester is more surprised the geezer mental state respond. 更加意外的是受测试者出现了奇特的心理反应。