- mental health in old age 老年期心理卫生
- Investing some effort in your personal health from childhood helps to keep your heart young and enhances the chances of enjoying good health in old age. 从小就花些功夫来保持您的个人健康不仅能使您的心脏保持年轻,还能增加您年老时享有健康的机会。
- Health in old age is lower than the catabolism of assimilation, the growing recession in the body, physical training in the psychological concerns of the more unable to have the burden of the total. 老年阶段身体的同化作用低于异化作用,机体日趋衰退,在心理上对体育锻炼顾虑较多,总怀有力不从心的负担。
- My children, my props in old age. 我的孩子们是我暮年的靠山
- In youth we run into difficulty, in old age difficulty run into us. 年轻时咱们闯进困境里头去,上了年纪之后,困境冲着咱们而来。
- Loneliness in old age is the curse of modern society. 老年孤独是现代社会的不幸。
- He kept his good looks even in old age. 即使年老了,他仍保持着好看的容貌。
- He led a miserable and dreary life in old age. 他晚景凄凉。
- Be gentle in old age; peevishness is worse in second childhood than in first. 老来是要和蔼; 第二幼年期乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。
- In youth we run into difficulties, in old age difficulties run into us. 年轻时咱们自己闯进困境里头去了,上了年纪之后,困境冲着咱们而来。
- In old age we live under the shadow of death. 人到老年就生活在死亡的阴影中。
- Life in old age continues to be work and worry. 人到晚年仍然奔波劳累,牵肠挂肚。
- A comparison of the state of mental health in different grade undergraduates. 不同年级医学生的心理健康状况比较分析。
- Attaching Importance to the Persuation of College Students'Mental Health in PE. 关于高校体育教育中大学生心理健康疏导的探讨。
- There is often a recession of sight in old age. 上了年纪的人视力逐步减退。
- Our intellectual power will decay in old age. 人的智力在年老时会衰退。
- Blum investigates users'needs in old age. 购买厨柜时考虑到年老者。
- Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age. 少时辛苦,老来享福。
- ObjectiveTo study the demand and attitude toward knowledge of mental health in family member of psychopathic patients. 目的调查精神病患者家属的精神卫生知识的需求和态度。
- Don't put your trust only in old age. 不要迷信。