- EDD lesions really exist in patient with CAD. CAD患者的EDD明显降低。
- He's phsically and mentally in good shape. 他身心都处于最佳状态。
- SRI were obviously irregular in patients within MI. MI病人局域心肌SRI图出现严重紊乱。
- The maximal DFS in patients was 123 months. 患者最长DFS为123个月。
- RESULTS There were no lungs infection in patients. 结果术后患者未发生肺部感染。
- Objective To observe the effect of mental intervention for the anxious morale and cortisol and anterior chamber postoperationly recovery in patient with glaucoma. 目的观察心理干预对青光眼手术患者情绪焦虑、皮质醇及术后前房恢复的影响。
- Research of mental factors in patients with alcoholics and chronic alcoholism. 酒依赖、慢性酒中毒的心理因素研究。
- The choice of Cholecystectomy procedure in patients with obesity. 肥胖患者胆囊切除的术式选择。
- Analysis of factors on the recent prognosis in patients with AMI. 影响急性心肌梗死患者近期预后因素的分析
- CT and clinical findings in patients with CNS cryptococcosis. 中枢神经系统新型隐球菌病CT与临床
- Can tourniquets be used in patients with sickle cell disease? 止血带能否用于镰状细胞病患者?
- Identification of ACS or chronic MI in patients with pacemakers. 起搏器植入患者急性冠脉综合症和慢性心梗的鉴别诊断。
- SFT was valuable as a diagnostic test in patients suspective of SS. SFT对SS患者的早期诊断及治疗具有重要的参考价值。
- The patient was in a pitiful condition. 那个病人处于一种非常可怜的状况。
- Reading a book containing models of handwriting for learners is psychological process which include detailed observe, analyses, summarizing rule of how to use pent and comprehend and digestion mental in final. 摘要读帖是对法帖进行详细的观察、分析、揣摩,总结其用笔规律、结体规律,最终理解和领悟其精神的心理过程。
- What Imaging Findings Will You Expect in Patients with Headaches? 您期待头痛病患会有何种影像学发现?
- Reading a book containing models of handwriting for learners is psychological process which include detailed observe,analyses,summarizing rule of how to use pent and comprehent and digestion mental in final. 读帖是对法帖进行详细的观察、分析、揣摩,总结其用笔规律、结体规律,最终理解和领悟其精神的心理过程。
- Th1 /Th2 disbalance exists in patients with acute stage of asthma. 支气管哮喘急性发作期存在着Th1/Th2失衡。
- There were the changes of red blood cell in patients with EH. 原发性高血压患者存在红细胞系改变。