- menstrual uralgia 经来小便痛
- Abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow. 月经过多异常多或长时间的月经来潮
- The first menstrual period, usually occurring during puberty. 月经初期第一次月经期,通常发生于青春期
- D: How about your menstrual cycle? 你的月经周期怎样?
- Are your menstrual cycles regular? 您的月经周期规则吗?
- Is menstrual color abnormal this how cure? 月经颜色不正常该怎么医?
- Is menstrual inaccurate person pregnant not easily? 月经不准确的人不易怀孕吗?
- Why did menstrual quantity decrease? 为什么月经量减少了?
- How should be menstrual quantity solved rarely? 月经量很少该如何解决?
- What problem is menstrual quantity rarely? 月经量很少是什么问题?
- Herbal Relief for Menstrual Cramps? 中草药可以减轻月经痉挛?
- When was your wife's last menstrual period? 你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候?
- Title: Predicting the Final Menstrual Period. Can it be done? 题目:我们能预测最后的月经周期吗?
- The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days. 妇女的平均月经周期是28天。
- Did you ever correlate the episodes with your menstrual cycle? 你有没有把发作联系到月经周期呢?
- A drug or an agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow. 通经药引发或加速月经流量的药物或有同等效用的物品
- How long is menstrual hind crises, other be safety period? 月经后多久是危险期,其他都是安全期吗?
- Loss or disturbance of menstrual periods in females. 女性生理周期紊乱。
- You can estimate your ovulation cycle, the menstrual cycle. 你可以自己测算排卵周期,即月经周期。
- Gynecologic History: Last menstrual period length of regular cycle. 产科史:既往妊娠史,孕期及结局,早产,剖宫产