- I w v h, b I w t c. I m s s m. I s b m c n t. 苏珊:我学习得很努力了,但就是太粗心,犯了一些愚蠢的错误。我下次得更细心一些。
- L, h, t t i c o m c a s o t i t c m c s a h s t w m. 可是后来我的班主任老师和学校学生工作处的几位老师找我谈了好几次话。
- The competitors paddle over 500 m or 1,000 m, respectively (Olympic distances). 参赛者分别用浆行舟500到1000米。
- They were the lowest level at 12 h after burn both in IFR group and DFR group at 1 500 m altitude. 1500m海拔高度,IFR组与DFR组均于伤后12h达最低点,CGRP血浆含量明显高于3800m海拔高度者。
- T i n d t , t q o e i o o t m c w m c f . 毫无疑问,道德问题应该是人类面临的最复杂的问题。
- The eastern plain of Handan city belongs to the south Hebei depression. The Cenozoic is about 1 500 m in depth. 邯郸市东部平原区属华北平原冀南坳陷 ,新生界厚度约 150 0m。
- Choi Jin-shui father lit firecrackers to celebrate the hope that his son was in the 1,500 m wheelchair racing in a new project success. 父亲崔金水点燃鞭炮庆祝,希望儿子在一千五百米男子轮椅竞速项目中再创佳绩。
- Pour into 8" trays, bake at 150'C 1 hour. Remove and leave to cool. 倒面糊入8寸盆内,用150‘C烘1小时,取出待冷。
- Roco M C,Bainbridge W S,NSF.Technologies for Improving Human Performance[R],Arlington,Virginia,June 2002. 裴钢.;"纳米-生物-信息-认知"会聚技术:中国的新机遇?[R]
- I o w g t g u j i t e c b I h d a l o t a e t t p a i m c. 我原本打算放弃参加竞选,因为我用于班上公务的时间和精力已经够多的了。
- McHugh M C,Frieze I H.The measurement of gender-role Attitudes. 穆光宗.;实行计划生育政策以来中国人观念的变化
- For the day, the Dow Jones industrial average added 0.2% and the Standard &Poor’s 500 (SPX) index added 0.3%. 收盘道琼斯工业平均指数上涨0.;2%25,标普 500指数高收0
- Each segment of thick coax may be up to 500 m (1640.4 ft) in length. 在每个粗同轴区段可长达500m(1640.;4ft)。
- Vreden S G S,Van Den Broek F M.Oettinger M C,et al.Cytokines inhibit the development of the malaria parasite plasmodium berghei in vitro.Eur J Immunol,1992,22(9):2271. 王兴相,黄复生.;环磷酰胺对大鼠体内约氏疟原虫红外期发育的影响
- Liang Y C,Hu F,Yang M C et al.Mechanism of high yield and irrigation water use efficiency of rice in plastic film mulched dryland[J].Scientia Agricultura Sinica,1999,32(1):26-32. [1]梁永超;胡锋;杨茂成;等.;水稻覆膜旱作高产节水机理研究[J]
- The VIX, which often refers as the “fear gauge”, tracks prices at which investors are willing to buy and sell options on the Standard and Poor’s 500 index. 波动率指数跟踪的是投资者愿意购买或售出标准普尔500指数期权的价格,该指标通常作为衡量市场恐慌情绪的标尺。
- Yang Z L, Luo M C, Yan J.Study on esterase and peroxide isozyme in Sichuan regional wheat breeds[J].Journal of Sichuan Agricultural University, 1992, 10(1): 105-112. [2]杨祖俐; 罗明诚; 颜济.;四川小麦地方品种的酯酶与过氧化物酶同工酶研究[J]
- C 1; This CD_ROM is quite useful. It can help us learn English and geography < at the same time> . 这张光盘很有用。它可以帮助我们既学习英语又(可以同时)学习地理。
- His stake in the company is thought to be about30%, worth$500 m at the highest of Yahoo's valuations. 据说,他在公司的股份大约是30%25以雅虎公司最高估价折算的话价值5亿美元。
- FREDE RIKSEN M C,GLASSENBERG R.Stika CSI Placenta previa year analysis[J]. 王美芬.;应用20项新生儿行为神经测定影响因素分析[J]